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The Pennsylvania Insurance Department (PID) is studying the availability of providers in various specialties, including behavioral health, and geographic areas. This is an opportunity for behavioral health providers, including drug and alcohol and mental health providers, to share their challenges in finding and employing specialists required by state regulations and payer contracts and the subsequent access issues that result.

The goal of the study is to understand areas of need based on the current availability of providers to accept new patients, the amount of time it takes to get an appointment with these providers, and the network adequacy considerations based on the findings. PID is seeking public comment from organizations, consumer advocates, providers, and consumers about their experience with getting an appointment or finding available specialists.

On behalf of its behavioral health provider members, RCPA is compiling comments to submit to PID, although members who prefer to submit their comments and experience on their own are encouraged to do so. Providers wanting to submit comments as part of an RCPA response can send them to Drug and Alcohol Division Director Jason Snyder. PID will accept comments until Friday, August 5, so please submit your comments to RCPA by Friday, July 29.

More information can be found in PID’s published Notice for Public Comment.

ODP Announcement 22-057 announces that ODP is launching resource pages associated with MyODP called “home.MyODP.” In the near future, all resources currently on the MyODP website will be transitioned over to this new website. At this time, ODP is requesting feedback of the new pages, which may be sent via email.

All pages on home.MyODP are now publicly accessibly without a login. You can click on the Learning tab to go to MyODP’s website for all trainings. Resources will still be available on MyODP until home.MyODP is finalized.

MyODP News Online has also been revamped. View the latest stories, which are categorized by Policy, COVID-19, Events, and Tools & Guidance, on the MyODP News Online main page. The search feature on home.MyODP will now also find results in Aid in PA and PA Autism. More improvements are coming, including improved navigation, further integration with Aid in PA and PA Autism, and a new communication database. Please provide feedback on these updates via email.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

The Statewide Provider Partnership (SPP) shared feedback gathered from providers regarding the Pre-ETS provision throughout the Commonwealth. We would like to thank Joe Michener, Director of Employment Services at the Lehigh Valley Center for Independent Living (LVCIL), for coordinating this response advocating for improved OVR services.

We would also like to congratulate Joe as the recipient of this year’s Pennsylvania Rehabilitation Association’s Philadelphia Founders Award for demonstrating an outstanding community leadership role by supporting activities that have a far-reaching impact and that have made a contribution toward the rehabilitation of a considerable number of citizens of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

You are an inspiration to all. Thank you, Joe!

The Office of Long-Term Living (OLTL) recently released the Request for Information (RFI) to gather feedback regarding the implementation of Agency With Choice (AWC) services for the participants of Medical Assistance (MA) managed care programs, the 1915(c) MA home and community-based services (HCBS) waiver program, and a state-funded program.

Through these programs, eligible participants receive long-term services and supports (LTSS) and other benefits, depending on the particular program. Specifically, this RFI seeks information to assist OLTL in determining how it may improve options for LTSS participants to self-direct their services in the Community HealthChoices Program (CHC), OBRA Waiver, and the state-funded Act 150 Attendant Care Program through the procurement and implementation of AWC.

Through this RFI, OLTL is seeking to become more aware of and knowledgeable about current efforts to increase opportunities for self-direction and feedback on the implementation of AWC through a potential, future procurement. OLTL encourages interested parties, including vendors and stakeholders, to provide feedback in response to this RFI or any part of it. An interested party may respond to all or any of the specific questions or topics included in this RFI.

RFI responses are due by12:00 pm on March 25, 2022. Responses must be submitted electronically with “OLTL Agency With Choice RFI” in the email subject line. While OLTL does not intend to respond to questions or clarifications during the RFI response period, interested parties and individuals may submit administrative questions related to this RFI electronically using “OLTL Agency With Choice” in the email subject line. OLTL may or may not respond based on the nature of the question.

RCPA and our Delta Center Grant partner, the Pennsylvania Association of Community Health Centers (PACHC), invite people with first-hand experience and advocates using or trying to use telehealth services to share your experiences.

The discussions and subsequent recommendations will guide the PA Delta Center team in its advocacy in developing regulations, bulletins, and practices that ensure equity and access to services for all communities. These forums are to bring advocates and stakeholders to the table to provide life experience and perspectives that can shape policy development. We hope you will join us for one of these events, as your participation will be key to our ongoing work in ensuring a healthy and sustainable telehealth footprint in Pennsylvania.

People who are volunteering to join the forum for free will be paid a stipend of $20/hour for their time or given an equivalent in a gift card.

To register for the first forum on March 16, visit here.

To register for the second forum on March 30, visit here.

If you have any questions, please contact Sarah Eyster of RCPA.

Pennsylvania’s Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) is committed to assisting individuals with disabilities find competitive integrated employment in the community. OVR is looking for feedback to strengthen agency partnerships and enhance employment outcomes for individuals with disabilities in PA. OVR is outreaching to individuals working in 14(c) facilities (sheltered employment/subminimum wage employment) and their support networks to learn more about how OVR can provide services effectively. If you would like to provide feedback to us, we invite you to complete one of the surveys below:

  • You can access the Individual Survey here.
  • You can access the Support Networks Survey here.

Kim Robinson, MS, CRC | Division Chief, Transition and 511
Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry
Office of Vocational Rehabilitation | Bureau of Central Operations
531 Penn Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
o: 412-209-4524 | c: 412.932.6149 | f: 412.565.7587

Learn more about OVR.