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The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has shared this important announcement from FEMA and the Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregivers (RCI).

In recognition of caregivers’ dedication and commitment to those in their care, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregivers (RCI) have created the Disaster Preparedness Guide for Caregivers to help them navigate unique challenges that may arise during disasters.

When forced to evacuate, relocate to emergency shelters, or find temporary housing, care recipients and caregivers require support and services that meet them where they are and account for unmet needs. FEMA is pleased to announce this new guide that focuses on the lived experience of caregivers who often serve as a lifeline for others, whether the skies are blue or gray.

See the new guide for the three essential steps that can help caregivers feel more prepared and in control when disaster strikes.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Office of Disability Integration and Coordination (ODIC) has released a new version of its training course titled “IS-368.A: Including People with Disabilities in Disaster Operations.”

The course is designed for all personnel involved in disaster operations. It provides an introductory overview of information and strategies on how to include people with disabilities during mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery efforts.

The course focuses on:

  • The difference between disabilities and access and functional needs;
  • FEMA’s actions supporting the integration of people with disabilities in disaster operations and ways to shorten the disaster cycle for them;
  • The differences between equity and equality;
  • Ways to ensure terminology is in alignment with the needs of people with disabilities;
  • Messaging to ensure inclusivity and accessibility to all emergency managers; and
  • Guidance to FEMA staff on how to ensure physical, program, and communication access to the whole community.

The course is live now and can be accessed on FEMA’s official website. The self-paced course should take two hours to complete.

The Americans with Disabilities (ADA) Act passed in 1990. As the country celebrates the upcoming 33rd anniversary of the ADA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), with the guidance of the ADA, has committed to improving services and programs to be uniformly available to individuals with disabilities and others with access and functional needs.

To support the disability community, FEMA made equity in emergency management one of the top goals in its 2022–2026 Strategic Plan. In support of this plan, the agency has:

  • Improved the survivor registration intake process nationwide, expanding disability-related questions and making it easier for people with disabilities impacted by disasters to get the assistance they need.
  • Continued updating the FEMA App, available in English and Spanish, so that it is now more accessible to people with disabilities. The app is screen reader compatible on iOS (11.0 and later) and Android (5.0) devices. The user interface has also been redesigned to fit a wider variety of screen sizes, making it easier for users to interact with it on their preferred device.
  • Worked extensively with state, local, tribal and territorial officials, and nongovernmental and private sector partners and stakeholders to facilitate ADA compliance. This includes removing physical, communication, and programmatic barriers that people with disabilities could face.
  • Designed programs, services, policies, and procedures to include the needs of people with disabilities before disasters happen, rather than solely reacting to barriers that are identified during response and recovery.

FEMA has approximately 30 million new/unused level 1 gowns in their warehouse in Manteca, California, and another 11 million new/unused Level 1 gowns (same type of gowns) in the warehouse in Springfield, Virginia. Visit here for details on the available gowns. Note that sizes range from small to 2XL. The majority of the gowns are a cotton/polyester blend.