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FLSA Overtime Rules

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RCPA hosted a webinar exclusively for members on June 3, Changes to the FLSA’s Overtime Rules, regarding the Department of Labor (DOL) Proposed Rule regarding changes to overtime exemption and salary thresholds. Jeffrey J. Worley, partner at the law office of Gibbel Kraybill & Hess, LLP was the presenter.

Topics of discussion included:

  • How will the changes to the FLSA impact your organization?
  • What is the new salary basis?
  • Should you convert your salaried employees to hourly employees?
  • How will the annual salary increase be calculated?
  • What issues surround the implementation of changes and managing staff?
Links to the recorded version of this webinar and the PowerPoint are below, with members only access:

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RCPA will be hosting a webinar exclusively for members, entitled: Changes to the FLSA’s Overtime Rules on Friday, June 3, 2016, at 10:00 am. This webinar will specifically cover the Department of Labor (DOL) Proposed Rule regarding changes to overtime exemption and salary thresholds.