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from Kevin Dressler

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

Health Alert Network (HAN) Updates

There has been several HANs that were updated or created last week addressing Long Term Care facilities, which includes ICFs. The DHS guidance for Long Term Care Facilities is going to be updated to reflect the changes outlined in the new HAN guidance. Please begin reviewing, making the necessary changes, and implement the necessary changes to your respective policies and procedures while the DHS guidance is updated.  Please assure that you cross reference the CMS 1135 waiver and CMS regulations to assure compliance with the CMS regulations as well. If you haven’t already, please go to the following link to view the updated HANs:

The new or updated HANs are as follows:

Decontamination of Masks

Recent guidance from the FDA that recommends the discontinuation of N-95 and KN-95 Respirators.  The link to the guidance is attached.

Federal Pharmacy Partnership (FPP)

The FPP is providing ongoing vaccination support for facilities that are enrolled in the program.  This will allow for ongoing vaccination of new staff and residents as well as those that have changed their mind on receiving a vaccine. You will need to contact the person that provided you vaccine support for specific details and availability in your area.

Table Top Exercise

Attached is a copy of the initial outreach and overview of the Emergency Preparedness exercise that Doug Trahey will be leading and spoke about during the most recent ICF taskforce meeting.  If you are interested in participating please reach out to the contact email addressed in the attached letter.  There is a registration deadline of 6/1/21.

Regulatory Surveys

Over the past few months I have seen an increase in the number of citations and 90-day Decertification actions with the public and private ICFs. Please remember and assure that all of the CMS regulations that apply to the ICFs remain in place in original form except those regulations outlined in the 1135 waiver.  The areas of increased citations are as follows:

  • Active treatment – assuring we are providing active treatment, updating plans to assure active treatment is provided
  • Infection Control – assure that we have infection control practices and procedures in place and staff are implementing them as written
  • Investigations – assuring a thorough investigation
  • CPR response – assuring that staff are trained on what they need to do if they have to provide CPR, when to implement and when to cease, and proper location to provide CPR