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Gender-Expansive Youth

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Thursday, July 13, 2023
2:00 pm – 3:15 pm EDT

This webinar is offered by The Center for Health Care Strategies.

Everyone deserves to receive the care they need, including trans youth. Transgender, nonbinary, and gender-expansive youth face unique barriers to accessing health care, which are further compounded for trans youth of color, trans youth in rural communities, and trans youth on public insurance. Providers can better support trans youth by incorporating a youth-led, strengths-based approach in their care. By shifting practices and policies, health care teams can make their care settings more welcoming for trans youth and their families and work toward centering youth voices in discussions on health care access, social and community resources, and more.

This webinar will highlight promising strategies for creating welcoming health care settings for trans, nonbinary, and gender-expansive youth and their families. A nationally recognized pediatrician as well as a health center founder and nurse-practitioner will share their experiences creating practices that empower trans youth to lead their health care journey, access needed resources, and advocate for themselves and their communities. The webinar is a product of Accelerating Child Health Transformation (ACHT), a national initiative led by the Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS) with support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation that seeks to accelerate the adoption of key strategies necessary to advance anti-racist and family-centered pediatric practice.

Providers, patients, patient and family advocates, and other interested stakeholders are invited to join this 75-minute event. This webinar will not be recorded. By attending this event, you agree to not record the event.

Learn More, Including Speakers & Agenda