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Gov Shapiro Executive Order SUD

On Tuesday, Governor Josh Shapiro signed an executive order to create a Behavioral Health Council. The council aims to bring together state leaders, local governments, and community providers to develop a statewide action plan to address any gaps in access, affordability, or delivery of services, with the goal of removing silos across state agencies, health care providers, payers, state and local government sectors, and decreasing the wait time for services for Pennsylvanians in need.

Charged with setting the agenda for behavioral health under the Shapiro Administration, the council will be comprised of 33 members and include a diverse array of stakeholders with representation from state, county, and local governments, the provider community, advocacy groups, and individuals with lived experiences. A list of Council members is available online.

The executive order also creates an advisory committee that will share with the council industry knowledge, expertise, reports, findings, and feedback from the communities they serve to assist members in their work to improve the delivery of services. Read the complete press release.