FFY 2024/25 CMHSBG Application Now Open for Public Comment

The Request for Proposals (RFP) for a statewide contract with the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation for its PA SWTCIE Grant InVEST Project has been re-issued. Interested parties should access information regarding this opportunity here.
The InVEST Project is seeking to increase competitive integrated employment outcomes for individuals who are engaged, or are considering engagement, in subminimum wage employment. The project is funded through the Disability Innovation Fund (DIF) — Subminimum Wage to Competitive Integrated Employment Grant, a federal model demonstration grant from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (PR Award # H421D220003).
Please note that the deadline for proposal submission has been extended to Wednesday, August 23, 2023.
The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation (OPRE) is soliciting applications for Prevention Services Evaluation Partnerships. These grants aim to support summative (i.e., impact) randomized control trial or quasi-experimental evaluations of a mental health, substance abuse prevention and/or treatment, in-home parent skill-based, or kinship navigator program or service. The grants will support collaborations among evaluators and partnering Title IV-E agencies, community entities, and/or researchers that have experience in working with foster children or children in kinship care arrangements to conduct well-designed and rigorous summative evaluations of programs and services intended to provide enhanced support to children and families, including pregnant and parenting youth in foster care, as well as prevent child abuse and neglect and foster care placements.
Grant recipients are expected to conduct a randomized control trial or quasi-experimental evaluation design that aligns with Title IV-E Prevention Services Clearinghouse (the Clearinghouse) Design and Execution Standards for Moderate or High Support of Causal Evidence and may contribute to the research systematically reviewed by the Clearinghouse. Grant recipients may collect and analyze primary data or leverage existing data for the proposed evaluation. ACF is particularly interested in evaluations of programs or services that are eligible for review by the Clearinghouse but which are not yet rated; programs and services with a rating of “does not currently meet criteria” by the Clearinghouse, and programs and services that have been designed for or adapted for specific cultural, ethnic, or racial groups, or programs and services that aim to serve other populations that have been historically marginalized and/or have historic or ongoing disproportionate representation in the child welfare system.
Estimated Total Funding:
Expected Number of Awards:
Award Ceiling:
Per Project Period
Award Floor:
Per Project Period
Average Projected Award Amount:
Per Project Period
Anticipated Project Start Date:
View the funding summary announcement for more details. Any questions regarding this announcement should be directed to the federal Administration for Children and Families contacts outlined in the announcement.
All child welfare professionals in Pennsylvania are eligible for the following FREE trauma trainings facilitated by Lakeside Global, Inc.
If you have completed Trauma 101 and Enhancing Trauma Awareness, you are eligible to register for the Train the Trainer course scheduled for May!
Train the Trainer (25-Hour Course)
Participants who meet course requirements would be certified by Lakeside Global Institute as Adjunct Trainers with authorization to license and present Lakeside Global Institute workshops. Adjunct Trainers are also equipped to facilitate small group discussions. LGI’s Train the Trainers course applies the same approaches and techniques provided in course content. Participants can expect LGI trainers to maintain a high level of integrity with regard to processes of group leadership, management, and facilitation.
Enhancing Trauma Awareness
Enhancing Trauma Awareness (ETA) is a 15-hour course that is the first in a series of trauma courses. ETA provides a rich and sophisticated exploration of the subject of trauma with an emphasis on encouraging professionals to become highly sensitive regarding the nature of trauma as foundational to becoming trauma-informed. Professionals will gain heightened awareness and respect with regard to trauma-related behaviors and the consequences of being impacted by trauma that can extend into relationships, systems, and across generations.
If you already registered for training and did not receive a training link, here are your contacts:
The Pennsylvania Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs (DDAP) announced more than $6 million in grant funding for organizations to establish or expand substance use disorder (SUD) services, community outreach, and education to underrepresented communities struggling with the opioid overdose crisis.
In 2020, overdose death rates increased 39 percent for Black Pennsylvanians, compared to 2019. In 2021, Black Pennsylvanians died from an overdose at a rate that was nearly two times higher than white Pennsylvanians.
Those eligible for this funding included organizations that provide services, outreach, and/or education to communities of color and promote access to harm reduction services, low-barrier SUD and medication-assisted treatment (MAT), recovery and peer supports, and/or offender reentry supports.
Through this funding award, 19 organizations are receiving grants up to $400,000 for a 12-month period beginning July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024. Funds shall be applied toward a range of activities, including construction and building infrastructure, staffing, and evidence-based programming.
The Pennsylvania Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs (DDAP) awarded $4 million in grant funding for the establishment of regional recovery hubs to enhance resources for individuals in recovery and promote recovery within communities across Pennsylvania.
The funding will allow each regional recovery hub to conduct an initial needs assessment for recovery support services in their specific region, including an estimate of individuals in need of these services and an analysis of their availability and accessibility. In addition, the hubs will develop a strategic plan, partnering with local organizations, that focuses on the importance of supporting multiple pathways to and through recovery, and will seek to promote recovery services in areas including peer support, family support, and self-care.
The regional recovery hubs throughout Pennsylvania will be designed to embed, expand, and promote a Recovery-Oriented-System of Care, which is a coordinated network of community-based services and supports that is person-centered, with the ultimate goal of improving the health, wellness, and quality of life for individuals in recovery from substance use disorder.
Grants up to $500,000 each will be awarded for the 15-month period beginning July 1, 2023, through September 29, 2024, to the following organizations serving the various regions:
Each grantee will use a hub and spoke model to provide recovery supports in their designated region. Each regional “hub” will support community-driven services that will serve as “spokes.” The hub will provide technical assistance and collaborate with a variety of community entities, sectors, and systems to enhance a recovery-supportive community and facilitate recovery support service delivery.
In addition, DDAP issued a Grant Initiative Funding Application (GIFA) for a regional recovery hub in Region 5, which includes York, Adams, Franklin, Fulton, Bedford, Cumberland, Perry, Dauphin, Lebanon, Huntington, Mifflin, Juniata, and Blair Counties.
The GIFA is available on DDAP’s website.