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Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash

ODP Announcement 22-047 offers information and resources to the field in support of developing masking policies. Currently, there are no masking requirements from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the Department of Human Services, or the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP). Depending on setting and location, individuals may need to comply with applicable federal or local masking requirements.

ODP expects providers to develop a layered protection strategy for COVID-19. Masking is an integral and important layer of this protection strategy. In establishing a masking policy for your agency or settings within your agency, ODP advises that you consider available guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and from the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Please review the announcement for additional information.

ODP Announcement 22-043 provides information regarding the part of the Office of Developmental Programs’ (ODP) ARPA plan wherein providers can receive a one-time supplemental payment for technology-related activities that strengthen and enhance home and community-based services (HCBS). The following activities would be supported by this initiative:

  • Purchase of assistive and/or remote support technology;
  • Purchase and implementation of new software or technology for electronic health records;
  • Technology associated with improving quality or risk management functions;
  • Technology professional credentialing identified in ODP provider qualifications; and
  • Purchase of consultation services to enhance technological capabilities.

This initiative is designed to enhance HCBS by:

  • Replacing staff functions with the use of technology, allowing staff time to be directed to other care activities;
  • Providing individuals greater independence and choice using technology; and
  • Improving quality of care through implementation of solutions like electronic health records and integrated data solutions.

Supports Coordination Organizations: As part of the ODP ARPA plan, SCOs can receive a one-time supplemental payment for technology-related activities that enhance HCBS by:

  • Improving capacity to conduct remote monitoring of individuals;
  • Improving efficiency of Supports Coordinators, including maximizing time in the field;
  • Obtaining or enhancing secure inter-office communications; and
  • Implementing technology-dependent quality improvement strategies.

This announcement includes the Application for Providers and Application for Supports Coordination Organizations.

The Office of Long-Term Living (OLTL) recently released the Request for Information (RFI) to gather feedback regarding the implementation of Agency With Choice (AWC) services for the participants of Medical Assistance (MA) managed care programs, the 1915(c) MA home and community-based services (HCBS) waiver program, and a state-funded program.

Through these programs, eligible participants receive long-term services and supports (LTSS) and other benefits, depending on the particular program. Specifically, this RFI seeks information to assist OLTL in determining how it may improve options for LTSS participants to self-direct their services in the Community HealthChoices Program (CHC), OBRA Waiver, and the state-funded Act 150 Attendant Care Program through the procurement and implementation of AWC.

Through this RFI, OLTL is seeking to become more aware of and knowledgeable about current efforts to increase opportunities for self-direction and feedback on the implementation of AWC through a potential, future procurement. OLTL encourages interested parties, including vendors and stakeholders, to provide feedback in response to this RFI or any part of it. An interested party may respond to all or any of the specific questions or topics included in this RFI.

RFI responses are due by12:00 pm on March 25, 2022. Responses must be submitted electronically with “OLTL Agency With Choice RFI” in the email subject line. While OLTL does not intend to respond to questions or clarifications during the RFI response period, interested parties and individuals may submit administrative questions related to this RFI electronically using “OLTL Agency With Choice” in the email subject line. OLTL may or may not respond based on the nature of the question.