RCPA Signs Letter Urging Action on Substantial Delays in Issuing Professional Licenses

Extends license renewal deadline for State Board of Medicine and reactivations for retirees and temporary practice permits for out-of-state health-care professionals.
December 22, 2020
Harrisburg, PA – Pennsylvania announced today that it will extend the license renewal deadline for health-care professionals licensed under the State Board of Medicine, will extend emergency temporary licenses granted to licensed practitioners in other states and jurisdictions, and will extend reactivated licenses for retired and inactive Pennsylvania-licensed practitioners.
“As COVID-19 cases increase across Pennsylvania, we must make sure that as many health-care professionals as possible are able to serve patients,” said Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar. “The Department of State’s goal since the beginning of the emergency disaster declaration has been to remove unnecessary administrative barriers for our licensed professionals so that they can continue to practice during the pandemic.”
The following license renewal deadlines have been extended:
Additional information for practitioners regarding these extensions can be found on the Department of State’s website.
A complete list of COVID-19-related guidance for licensed professionals is also available from the Department of State.
MEDIA CONTACT: Laura Humphrey, (717)-783-1621