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The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) is assisting the Pennsylvania Department of Health (DOH) in gathering data, which will be used for a collaborative high-priority initiative to evaluate the effectiveness of a Quality Investment Pilot program. To do so, ODP is requesting your assistance to provide the following data for each of your ICF locations:

  1. Provider Name:
  2. Location (ICF Site Name):
  3. Number of people residing at the location as of November 30, 2024:
  4. The number of people at the location not covered by Medicaid (i.e., # of Private Pay clients) as of November 30, 2024:
  5. The number of DOH citations related to infection control at each location from 2020 to date and the tag number(s):
  6. Has this site participated with the RISE program?

You may supply the data by typing the responses after each question in an email reply, or by attaching a spreadsheet with the following columns completed:

Facility Name Location/ Site Name Number of Residents as of 11/30/24 Number of Private Pay Residents as of 11/30/24 No. of DOH Citations related to Infection Control from 2020 to date Tag Numbers for DOH Citations related to Infection Control from 2020 to date Has this facility participated in the RISE program?

Please send your responses electronically to Lisa Wagner by close of business Friday, December 6, 2024.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Checklist concept - checklist, paper and pen

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has shared the following reminders from ODP’s ICF unit:

ICF Contact Sheet

ODP maintains a Contact Sheet for each ICF in an excel workbook. The worksheet has blocks for providers to indicate who is the primary contact for each of these functions within your organization:

  • Administrator
  • Chief Financial Officer
  • Contact Person for Waiver Requests (waiver of the standard interim per diem rate)
  • Contact Person for Program Issues
  • Contact Person for Budgets
  • Contact Person for Cost Reports
  • Contact Person for Act 69 Assessment Information
  • Contact Person for Health Services

Also on that form are instructions to ODP regarding who should receive copies of Rate Setting Correspondence and members of ODP’s ICF Taskforce Listserv (this mailing list).

NOTE: IT IS THE PROVIDER’S RESPONSIBILITY TO KEEP THIS FORM UPDATED. It is important that ODP has current information so that communications are properly directed. Please contact a member of the ICF unit or our Resource Account email at any time to provide updates or to obtain a copy of the contact sheet we currently have on file for your facility. Thank you.

4th Quarter Assessment Payment Reminder

This is a reminder that your Act 69 Assessment payment for the fourth quarter is due by May 25. For this quarter, you may either pay the full amount by May 25 or pay monthly (May 25, June 25, and July 25), as was shown on the invoice emailed to you on 9/28/23. Either way, accrue the full annual amount into this fiscal year for bookkeeping and cost reporting.

Procedure Change Reminder: When your ACH Transaction is scheduled, please send an email to the following individuals to inform them of the amount and the date of your transfer:

Please remember to include your invoice number and ‘DHS-ODP-ICF Assessment’ in the Addenda field of your ACH transaction.

Should you have any questions, please contact Steve Evitts.

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

Message from Kevin Dressler, Bureau Director, DHS, Office of Developmental Programs:

Infection Control and Vaccination Status Survey
The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has put together a short survey (23 questions) to gain an idea of the vaccination status of the people living in ICFs for COVID, Flu, and RSV, as well as to identify difficulties you may have or are currently experiencing with obtaining the vaccines. There is also a section within the survey discussing infection control and prevention. Please take the time to fill out the survey, as ODP will use the information to continue to look for ways to improve access and availability of vaccines and other health-related resources.

Several responded that the survey was not accessible. Participant restrictions have been removed this morning, so you should now be able to complete the survey here.

ICF Task Force Meeting
The next ICF Task Force meeting will be conducted in-person on April 18, from 10:00 am – 3:00 pm. We are planning to hold the meeting at the PaTTAN (Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network) building in Harrisburg. We plan to share ICF citation data from January 1, 2017 – December 31, 2023, as well as two trainings. The trainings will be “Plan of Correction Writing and Follow-up,” and training on “Active Treatment.” We will also have the DOH Long Term Care – RISE group provide a presentation on the services and supports they have to offer to ICFs. Lastly, we will have our typical updates from our finance staff, DOH, and ODP Medical Director. Please plan on attending. Updates will be provided as we get closer to the date of the meeting.

ICF Taskforce Meeting: Location
The ICF Taskforce Meeting on Thursday, April 18, 2024, will be held at the following address:

PaTTAN – Central
6340 Flank Drive
Harrisburg, PA 17112

Directions and nearby hotel accommodations can be found here.

Image by Werner Moser from Pixabay

ODP Announcement 22-009 states that, in an effort to implement best practices and streamline requirements and operations between Intermediate Care Facilities (ICF) and Home and Community-Based Setting (HCBS) service providers, the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) intends to align incident management regulations and policies for ICFs with the already-existing regulations and policies for HCBS services.

Specifically, ODP plans to do the following:

  • Rescind the class 3 bulletin (statement of policy) that is currently codified at Pa. Code Chapter §§ 6000.901 — 6000.985 (relating to incident management) and issue a new class 3 bulletin that aligns with ODP Bulletin 00-21-02 (Incident Management for HCBS services) to the fullest extent possible.
  • Update Code Chapter 6600 to include new sections on definitions, incident management, and individual rights to align with the 55 Pa. Code Chapter 6100 regulations, to the fullest extent possible.

ODP is pleased to announce the release of the draft class 3 bulletin and the proposed 55 Pa. Code Chapter 6600 regulations for review and informal public comment in order to obtain meaningful input from stakeholders early on in the process of changing regulations. After the informal comment period ends, ODP will review and evaluate these comments, incorporating them when practical into the bulletin and regulations. The 30-day informal public comment period begins on February 2, 2022, and ends on March 4, 2022.

Interested persons are invited to submit written comments regarding the draft class 3 bulletin and Pa. Code Chapter 6600 regulations. Written comments should be addressed to Laura Cipriani, Department of Human Services, Office of Developmental Programs, 625 Forster Street, Room 510, Harrisburg, PA 17120. Comments may also be submitted to ODP via email using subject header “ICF Regulations.”

Questions about this communication should be directed to Laura Cipriani.

The Pennsylvania Department of Health (DOH) has released a Request for Applications (RFA) for the Long-Term Care Quality Investment Pilot, which will distribute approximately $11.7 million in federal funds to long-term care facilities, including skilled nursing facilities (SNFs), personal care homes (PCHs), assisted living facilities (ALFs), and intermediate care facilities (ICFs) for the purpose of building resilience. These funds are designed to be invested in key areas such as workforce development and retention, infection prevention control, emergency preparedness, and improvements to facility infrastructure.

Please note the following:

  • Facilities must be enrolled in the LTC RISE program’s quality improvement projects in order to be considered eligible for funding.
  • Facilities in Philadelphia are not eligible for this funding.

DOH encourages facilities to apply for this opportunity. The application deadline is 1:30 pm on December 31, 2022. Additional details and information can be found by here.

Questions about this funding opportunity should be addressed by submitting questions through the formal procurement process, which is detailed in the RFA.

Updates from the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) for Intermediate Care Facility (ICF) providers:

Please find the Instructions for the ID-46 Cost Report forms, which were emailed previously. Also available is a checklist for completion prior to submission.  A few items to note:


  • PDF file contains a Table of Contents on page 2.
  • Document is organized into these major categories:
    • General Instructions/Regulations — Pages 3–4
    • Timing/Requirements for Submission — Pages 4–5
    • Overall Instructions for ID-46 Excel File — Pages 5–7
    • Detailed Instructions for Each Schedule — Pages 8–46
    • Submission Procedures — Pages 47–48
    • Post Submission Procedures — Pages 49–50
    • Appendices — Pages 51–73
  • Within Adobe Acrobat, if you click on the Bookmark symbol in the left margin, all headings throughout the document will appear in a list that is ‘clickable’ so you can jump directly to points of interest and minimize scrolling. An alternate method to display Bookmarks: View > Show/Hide > Navigation Panes > Bookmarks.


  • May be completed by clicking on Blue fields within Adobe Acrobat.
  • Items required to be submitted with cost report, along with requested syntax for file names, are listed on pages 4 & 5.

All cost reports and supporting documentation must be submitted via email for FY 2021/22 by 9/30/2022 with:
Subject line: ‘Cost Report Submission – provider name’

If you encounter any problems or have any questions, please contact Pamela Gilbert or Steve Evitts.

Pamela S. Gilbert | Fiscal Manager
PA Department of Human Services | Office of Developmental Programs
Bureau of Financial Management and Program Support