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incident management

ODP Announcement 21-071 announces the release of additional Incident Management (IM) Bulletin trainings on the MyODP website, which focus on incident response, medication management, and target separation. The first course is titled “Responding to Incidents” and is relevant for all stakeholders. This course contains a series of four webcasts. The series also introduces two guides that are intended to assist individuals and families.

  • Incident Management Family Guide — “When Something Bad Happens to Someone I Care About or Support” : This guide was developed to provide families information about incident management processes and help guide a discussion. This guide is referenced throughout the series.
  • A Guide to Victim’s Assistance — This guide was developed to provide support team members information about resources available to support victims of crime that can be accessed locally. This guide is discussed in Part 3 of the series.

The second course is titled “Agency Focused Incident Management Training” and contains two webcasts that are targeted to Agency Incident Management Representatives and others who may have a role in agency incident reporting, management, oversight, or monitoring activities.

Visit the MyODP website to access Incident Management Bulletin 00-02-21 and attachments, resources, ODP announcements, and other additional ODP Incident Management trainings.

Tablet on a desk - Questions and Answers

ODP Announcement 21-066 serves to distribute Version 3 of the FAQ document on questions received in regards to Incident Management Bulletin 00-21-02. The FAQ document contains both updates and changes. The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has received multiple questions from stakeholders through email, conversations, and dialogue during trainings, phone calls, etc. A FAQ was developed to answer some of the questions received. This FAQ does not contain all questions received; ODP chose questions that were asked frequently by multiple stakeholders.

ODP expects to continue to receive questions based on the IM Bulletin; therefore, this document will be updated on a routine basis. Stakeholders will be notified when there are additions added to this FAQ. The new questions that were added have a blue background, and any updated answer from a previous question is italicized. The Q and A begins on page three of the announcement.

For questions, please contact your ODP Regional Office or email directly.

ODP Announcement 21-063 serves to disseminate operating procedures and directions for the IM process for private ICFs as well as SCOs and County ID Programs serving individuals residing in a private ICF. The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has scheduled an ICF Task Force meeting to discuss this guidance and answer questions for September 15, 2021 from 2:00 pm–3:00 pm. Please register in advance for the ICF Task Force meeting.

During this meeting, ODP will also be providing private ICF stakeholders with timelines and information about the process to add incident management regulations into 55 PA. Code Chapter 6600.


Tablet on a desk - Questions and Answers

ODP Announcement 21-056 shares an updated version of Incident Management Frequently Asked Questions. The Incident Management (IM) Bulletin 00-21-02 was available for all stakeholders on March 1, 2021 with an effective date of July 1, 2021. The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has received multiple questions from stakeholders through email, conversations, and dialogue during trainings, phone calls, etc.

The questions received from stakeholders have been collected and reviewed by ODP staff. The questions were then compiled into the FAQ document. This FAQ does not contain all questions received; ODP chose questions that were asked frequently by multiple stakeholders. ODP expects to continue to receive questions based on the IM Bulletin; therefore, this document will be updated on a routine basis. Stakeholders will be notified when there are additions added to this FAQ.

Please visit the following web page Incident Management/Risk Management and click on the link Incident Management Bulletin 00-21-02, which will include links to the IM Bulletin and attachments, related information, resources, ODP announcements, and ODP IM training.

For questions, please contact your ODP Regional Office or send to Incident Management.

Attached are the resources that were issued during last week’s virtual office hours regarding changes to the Enterprise Incident Management (EIM) system that will be effective July 1, 2021.

ODP Announcement 21-043 addresses several frequently asked questions regarding the Incident Management Bulletin. With the March 1, 2021 release of the Incident Management (IM) Bulletin 00-21-02, the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has received multiple questions from stakeholders through email, conversations, dialogue during trainings, and phone calls. This FAQ was developed to answer some of the questions received. Please note: ODP expects stakeholders who have the responsibility of implementing IM processes to use this time to get familiar with the Incident Management Bulletin, as the effective date is approaching on Thursday, July 1, 2021.

Please visit the ODP web page that includes the IM Bulletin, information, and training. This FAQ does not contain all questions received; ODP chose questions that were asked frequently by multiple stakeholders. ODP expects to continue to receive questions based on the IM Bulletin; therefore, this document will be updated on a routine basis. Stakeholders will be notified when there are additions added to this FAQ.

For questions, please contact your ODP Regional Office or send them to ODP’s Incident Management Team.

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Licensing, Certification, and Incident Management Conducted by the Departments of Human Services, Health, Drug and Alcohol Programs, and Aging

The Departments of Human Services, Health, Drug and Alcohol Programs, and Aging regulate a variety of health and human services providers in order to protect the health and safety of Pennsylvanians. Among the regulatory activities, they license or certify providers and conduct incident management, as required by state and federal law. The departments are currently reexamining processes to identify opportunities for coordinating efforts in order to streamline the licensing, certification, and incident management process and increase efficiencies for providers and the commonwealth, while maintaining and enhancing the quality of licensing and certification activities of the providers they regulate. As part of this process, they are seeking input from stakeholders of the Departments of Human Services, Health, Drug and Alcohol Programs, and/or Aging on the following questions. These questions are focused on providers, but feedback is welcome from advocates and other stakeholders. Please send responses via email by Monday, April 30, 2018.

  1. Which of the following commonwealth agencies do you interact with for licensing and certification: the Departments of Human Services, Health, Drug and Alcohol Programs, and/or Aging? Please identify the specific license or certificate types you have.
  2. Which of the following commonwealth agencies do you interact with when you must report an incident that took place at your facility/agency: the Departments of Human Services, Health, Drug and Alcohol Programs, and/or Aging? This could include incidents required to be reported per licensing regulations, or home and community based (waiver) programs.
  3. What works well in interacting with multiple commonwealth agencies on licensing, certification, and incident management activities?
  4. What challenges do you experience in interacting with multiple commonwealth agencies on licensing, certification, and incident management activities? If possible, please identify whether the challenges are caused by statutory or regulatory requirements, policy or operational guidance, or agency processes or technology.
  5. What opportunities do you see for the commonwealth to streamline your experience interacting with multiple commonwealth agencies on licensing, certification, and incident management activities?

This is a major opportunity that can’t be missed. The work being done by the departments is what RCPA and its members have been advocating for over many years. We currently have an administration willing and able to make significant changes. Members are asked to provide as much detail as possible in your responses.