The last year has been an exceptionally difficult year for all Americans, but for the disability community, it has been especially taxing. As our world has changed, many needs have become heightened and have shifted. We would like to hear your opinions on our program comment period for our fiscal year 2022 annual program goals and objectives. Disability Rights Pennsylvania (DRP) invites public feedback on the issues that matter most to individuals with disabilities, along with the families and organizations supporting them. August 1, 2021 will be the final day to offer public comments.
DRP will also be hosting 8 forums for community members to communicate directly with DRP on our Goals and Objectives. If you would like to be notified of upcoming forums, join our mailing list for upcoming information on how to register.
Specifically, DRP asks to hear your ideas about the impact of COVID-19, and any associated advocacy that should be facilitated because of the virus, the vaccination process, as well as current, new, and emerging issues since last year’s comment period. If you would like to view our current goals and objectives, please use this link.
We thank you for your time, community, partnership, and collaboration. We look forward to hearing from you.
– All of us at Disability Rights Pennsylvania
Disability Rights Pennsylvania
301 Chestnut Street Suite 300 | Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17101
800-692-7443 |