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Juvenile Justice System

Message from the Juvenile Court Judges’ Commission (JCJC):

The Juvenile Court Judges’ Commission (JCJC) is pleased to announce the 2024 James E. Anderson Pennsylvania Conference on Juvenile Justice will be held at the Hilton Harrisburg on Wednesday, November 6 – Friday, November 8, 2024. Resource Day will be held on Friday, November 8, from 8:00 am – 11:00 am.

JCJC is inviting you to join them as an exhibitor at Resource Day, where your organization can interact with a wide variety of conference attendees, including, but not limited to, juvenile court judges, juvenile court hearing officers, juvenile probation staff, attorneys, providers, and other system stakeholders.

Students and faculty from colleges and universities across the Commonwealth will be invited to attend on Resource Day to learn about the important work being done in Pennsylvania’s juvenile justice system. Please consider utilizing this time to network with possible future system professionals.

JCJ is also excited to announce a new addition to this year’s conference, as providers will be able to showcase their programs throughout the day on Thursday, November 7, though the use of banners, displays, or other promotional techniques. These unstaffed displays will be freestanding (nothing attached to walls) throughout the common areas of the hotel. Examples could include freestanding flags, banners, or signage/posters of programs. Specific details will be provided upon registration for the event.

If you are interested in being an exhibitor during Resource Day, please contact Michael Yoder, Juvenile Court Judges’ Commission, via email or at (717) 874-1149. Please note that there are no fees to participate in Resource Day.

The Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD) requests your assistance to complete, and further disseminate, a survey that will assist the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Committee (JJDPC) and PCCD gather relevant information related to current resources and gaps in local diversion policy, practices, and programming. The utilization of diversion policies, practices, and programs, in appropriate cases, can reduce the impact of formal involvement with the juvenile justice system for youth who commit minor offenses, while ensuring balanced and restorative justice.

PCCD recognizes the importance of capturing feedback from their stakeholders. Please complete the below survey and feel free to forward the survey link to any stakeholder you deem appropriate. This survey should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete. Your participation is extremely important, as results from the survey will help shape effective strategies and drive positive change in our approach to diversion. The information collected through this survey may also be used to make future funding and policy recommendations to the JJDPC.

The survey link can be found here. The survey will remain open until the close of business on February 29, 2024. Please contact PCCD staff, Teresa Wilcox, via email with any questions or assistance in completing the survey.

Thank you in advance for your time and assistance. PCCD looks forward to receiving your important feedback.

The Juvenile Justice Week proclamation, signed by Governor Shapiro, designates October 1–7, 2023, as Juvenile Justice Week, calling on Pennsylvanians, government agencies, institutions, and schools to raise awareness and understanding of juvenile justice. The proclamation highlights the mission and principles of Pennsylvania’s juvenile justice system. It emphasizes the importance of providing balanced attention to community protection, offender accountability, and the rehabilitation of juveniles within the system. The proclamation also underscores the principles of restorative justice, with a focus on repairing harm to crime victims and communities and ensuring that all parties involved, including victims and offenders, receive tangible benefits from their interactions with the juvenile justice system. Lastly, it emphasizes fair and unbiased treatment in all aspects within the system.