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late state budget

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This week, Rep. Gene DiGirolamo will introduce a stopgap budget proposal that will fund the entire state budget for four months from July 1, 2015 until October 31, 2015. The funding level will be the same as the state budget for fiscal year 2014/15, for those four months.

RCPA has been advocating for a short-term funding bill as negotiations continue on a final budget.  RCPA is pleased with this proposal, because many of our members are not as financially strong as they were last time the Commonwealth had a late budget, so they are having more difficulties staying solvent. As a result, many individuals who rely on human services programs already may not be receiving the quality services that our members provide.

RCPA is strongly encouraging members to contact their local representatives and encourage her or him to sign onto Rep. DiGirolamo’s co-sponsorship memo, Stopgap Budget Proposal.

Contact Jack Phillips with questions.

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As of today, it appears that budget talks between the Governor and the General Assembly have stalled. Republican legislative leaders say they are ready to start moving a budget this weekend to approve before the fiscal year ends.

The Republicans in the House and Senate continue to look at pensions and privatizing/modernizing the state liquor store system for revenue. The governor is still looking for property tax reform, possible personal income tax increases, and an extraction tax.

Senate President Pro Tem Joe Scarnati has indicated that the Republican budget would not contain a tax increase and more details will emerge as the budget moves forward. The Republican budget bill would rely on revenue from liquor privatization, and savings from public pension reform, but the proposed budget would not reduce the amount the state contributes to the pension systems. Republicans might also be looking at new recurring revenue by changing how the Commonwealth levies a Gross Receipts Tax (GRT) on Medicaid Managed Care Organizations. The Federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has told Pennsylvania the way the Commonwealth levies the GRT is inconsistent with applicable federal statutory and regulatory requirements. The Commonwealth was given until November 30, 2016, to make the necessary changes to its GRT.

Some additional details of the proposed Republican budget include: no additional dollars to the wait list or the county human block grant program. Please do not panic! While the Republicans will pass a budget by June 30, it has come to our attention that the governor is planning to veto the entire Republican budget. If the governor holds onto this veto pledge, then there will be a late state budget. The governor and Republican leadership will have to go back to the negotiation table to find common ground, because Republicans do not have the required votes to override the governor’s veto. During that negotiation process, RCPA will continue to meet with elected officials to advocate for additional human service funding.

RCPA will continue to update the membership regarding the ongoing budget negotiations. We ask you, your employees, and the families that you serve to contact your legislators and the governor to tell them it is imperative to fully fund human service programs and to pass an on time budget, and if they do not, how it will affect your business and the services you provide to residents of the Commonwealth. When communicating with elected officials, please use the RCPA policy papers regarding RCPA budget priorities and the effects of a late state budget.

Contact Jack Phillips, RCPA Director of Government Affairs, with questions.

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As of today, budget talks are still ongoing. The General Assembly is looking at pensions, online gaming, and privatizing/modernizing the state liquor store system for revenue. The governor is still looking for property tax reform, possible personal income tax increases, and an extraction tax. If the governor and the General Assembly cannot come to an agreement, the General Assembly has indicated that they will pass and send the governor an on-time budget by the June 30 deadline.

If this occurs, one of two things can happen. One, the governor signs the budget bill on time and the General Assembly will go home for the summer, or two, the governor receives the bill and within ten days he may to decide to sign the bill, line item veto parts of the bill, or veto the bill entirely. If the governor decides to use his veto power, then there will be a late budget and the governor and General Assembly will go back to the negotiation table.

In a late budget scenario, our providers will not be able to plan effectively. Member providers may not have sufficient cash balances to provide services to clients, pay staff, and to pay day-to-day expenses. In most instances, when there are state funding delays, providers have to draw against their lines of credit. In today’s tough economic environment, providers are not as financially strong as they were the last time the Commonwealth had a late state budget, so providers will have more difficulties staying solvent.

RCPA is asking members to use the RCPA policy paper and contact your legislators and the governor to tell them it is imperative to pass an on time budget, and if they do not, how it will affect your business and the services you provide to residents of the Commonwealth.

Questions? Contact Jack Phillips, RCPA director of government affairs.