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The memorandum “Guidance Regarding Maintaining Confidentiality When Sharing Information With Schools” is being issued to advise County Children and Youth Agencies (CCYAs) about information sharing with Local Education Agencies (LEAs).

As of this date, CCYAs are advised to utilize the Placement Notification Form to notify LEAs of a student’s entry into foster care or change in foster care placement. CCYAs should NOT provide court orders, adoption decrees, resource parent stipend amounts, the name of a person who reported abuse or neglect of a child, the substance use history and treatment of a student (without a signed specific release form), or other information that is not relevant to the academic needs, safety, or well-being of the student. The information should only be disclosed to the individuals providing support to the child.

If you have any questions or concerns related to the education of children served by OCYF, please contact OCYF via email, contact the appropriate regional office, or contact RCPA Children’s Director Jim Sharp.