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Leadiner in 2021

Time is running out to catch the recorded sessions on the Showcare Platform! Game prize winners will also be announced on Friday, October 29 at 11:00am, and we will award prizes to some lucky attendees who log in for this closing session.

In addition, it’s not too late to catch the vendors in Connections Hall that you may have missed and earn game points while you visit! Don’t miss out on earning as many points as possible before the deadline!

You can also continue to view sessions you didn’t get a chance to see or review sessions that you really enjoyed. You are able to watch each session as many times as you wish, and all documents are accessible on the sessions’ main pages. To view the sessions, log in to your account, then either:

  • Visit the “Full Schedule” page on the left-hand menu. Find the session you wish to view, select the time slot, then click on the title of the session. You will be taken to the session’s main page.
  • Visit the “On Demand” page for a list of previously prerecorded sessions. Simply select the session tile, which will take you to the session’s main page.

Lastly, as a reminder, please be sure to send in your request for continuing education or certificates of attendance by November 1 to RCPA.

Thank you once again!