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Medical Emergency

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) is sharing the latest Health Alert, “Call 911 in a Medical Emergency.” ODP is also sharing this important online training that is being offered through the Western Region Health Care Quality Unit (HCQU).

How to Recognize a Medical Emergency and When to Call 911

We all hope the people we support never have a health emergency, but it’s important to be prepared for them, just in case. Knowing who to call and what to do in an emergency will help you remain calm so you can act quickly and appropriately. How you react in an emergency could save a life! During this training, you will learn:

  • How to recognize a potentially serious situation;
  • The steps you should take right away; and
  • When to call 911.

Please note the following:

To enroll in any of our courses, you must have an account in the Milestone HCQU West Learning Center. Signing up is easy and free!

By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate 24-Certificate-PFQ.

For more information on how to register, please use the link here.

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has issued a revised Health Alert to emphasize the need to avoid delay in seeking emergency medical care.

There are two key issues in reducing this risk for delay:

  1. Recognizing a medical emergency. Correctly interpreting and acting on these signs could potentially save a life.
  2. Seeking immediate attention for the emergency. With medical emergencies, time is of the essence.

Current provider policies should not instruct staff to contact a supervisor prior to calling 911 in an emergency. Failure to call 911, which can result in treatment delays, may contribute to serious injury or death of an individual that otherwise may have been prevented if 911 was called. This Health Alert is intended to help providers and staff respond to medical emergencies by contacting 911 without delay.

For more information, see the updated Health Alert.