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Memo rescinded

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RCPA, in working with ANCOR and the National Council for Mental Wellbeing, has learned that the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has rescinded the memorandum sent yesterday by the Trump Administration, which announced the pausing of distribution of federal funding.

Per National Council:
Moments ago, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) reversed course on a memorandum instructing all agencies to temporarily pause the obligation and distribution funds for a wide swathe of federal programs, officially rescinding the order that spurred widespread confusion yesterday. The White House’s decision to rescind the memo comes after U.S. District Court Judge Loren AliKhan issued a brief temporary stay that would have delayed OMB’s directive from taking effect until Monday, Feb. 3, with the potential for further legal action beyond that date.

In addition, ANCOR reached out to members and said the following:

Hi everyone,

We wanted to make sure to update you that today OMB rescinded its memo from January 27 requiring a freeze on federal financial assistance: White House rescinds freeze on federal grants – The Washington Post. You can see the notice of rescission hereThank you to all of you who reached out and helped push back on this yesterday! We are so grateful for your advocacy.



Elise Aguilar
Senior Director of Federal Relations
American Network of Community Options and Resources
Alexandria, VA

RCPA will continue to communicate with our members as developments occur or if changes are made. As a reminder, this will not affect funding services that directly impact individual Americans, including Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, and SNAP. If you have any questions, please contact your RCPA Policy Director.