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MITC free software for providers during COVID-19 crisis

To help providers manage the COVID-19 emergency, MITC is providing two easy-to-set up applications free of charge.

  • The existing offer to provide myCommunications free of charge has been extended to 6/30/2020
  • myMileage and Expenses is now available free of charge for 180 days

myCommunications helps providers maintain contact with their staff without relying on employees’ personal email addresses – very important right now. Download the fact sheet to learn more!

myMileage and Expenses allows staff to submit expense claims without having to come into the office. It also helps to make sure staff don’t suffer reimbursement delays for mileage, etc. – minimizes personal interactions. Download the fact sheet to learn more!

Unfortunately, MITC cannot provide the software without one-on-one training, as the surge in Software Requests would compromise our ability to respond at the level customers expect.

  • myCommunications one-on-one set up and training – $360.00 (3 hours).
  • myMileage and Expenses one-on-one set up and training – $360.00 (3 hours).

For more information, email McKenzieO@mitcsoftware.com.

Please join us for a special free webinar on Thursday, April 2 at 2:00 pm EDT to learn more about software that can help providers manage this emergency, and other more routine emergencies like snow days!
Register Here

Additionally, MITC is offering a webinar on Monday, March 30 at 2:00 pm as follows:

HR 6201, the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, has been signed. Join us for an emergency webinar on Monday, March 30 at 2:00 pm EDT to learn more about the Emergency Sick Pay Law and how to track sick and FLMA pay.

  • There are multiple rates of sick pay (paid at regular pay, paid at lower rate with a $ cap).
  • Impacts all organizations with less than 500 employees.

Register Here