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The Office of Long-Term Living (OLTL) has released the registration information and agenda for the March 1, 2023, Managed Long-Term Services and Supports (MLTSS) Subcommittee meeting. The meeting will be held at the PA Department of Education Building’s Honors Suite, 1st Floor, at 333 Market St. in Harrisburg, or via webinar from 10:00 am – 1:00 pm.

To participate in the meeting via webinar, please register here. When registering, please verify that you entered your email address correctly. You will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar if you registered correctly. Note that if you have trouble accessing the webinar registration through Internet Explorer or Safari web browsers, you should try accessing it through a different web browser, such as Chrome or Edge.

Dial In Number: 1 (213) 929-4212
Access Code: 315552949#.

Public comments will be taken after each presentation. Questions can be entered into the chat box during the presentations, and these questions will be asked at the end of each presentation. There will be an additional period at the end of the meeting for any additional public comments.

If you have any questions about alternative methods for submitting questions or comments during a subcommittee meeting, including options when no internet access is available, please submit them electronically.

Information and registration for the August Managed Long-Term Services and Supports (MLTSS) Subcommittee meeting was recently released by the Office of Long-Term Living (OLTL). The meeting will be held on August 3, 2022, from 10:00 am – 1:00 pm. Attendees can participate via webinar or in person at the PA Department of Education Building’s Honors Suite at 333 Market Street in Harrisburg.

To participate in the meeting via webinar, please register via the link below. Those participating by webinar are encouraged to register early. When registering, please verify that you entered your email address correctly. You will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar if you registered correctly.

Webinar Registration Link
If you have trouble accessing the webinar registration through the Internet Explorer or Safari web browsers, please try accessing it through a different web browser such as Chrome or Edge.

Dial In Number:
The dial-in number is: 
(415) 655-0052
Access Code: 205870515#

The next Managed Long-Term Services and Supports Subcommittee (MLTSS) meeting is scheduled for February 2, 2022, from 10:00 am–1:00 pm.

To participate in the meeting via webinar, please register by visiting here. The Office of Long-Term Living (OLTL) encourages those participating by webinar to register early. Registrants will then receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Dial-In Number:
1 (914) 614-3221
Access Code: 300-175-489

The Managed Long-Term Services and Supports (MLTSS) Subcommittee held their first meeting of 2022 on January 5. The handouts referenced and shared during this monthly meeting are provided below:

The next MLTSS Subcommittee meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, February 2, 2022.

The Department of Human Services Office of Long-Term Living (OLTL) is establishing a Managed Long-Term Services and Supports (MLTSS) Subcommittee of the Medical Assistance Advisory Committee (MAAC). The kickoff meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 1, from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm at Temple University in Strawberry Square, Harrisburg, PA.

The second meeting of the MLTSS Subcommittee will be held on Monday, September 14, from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm in the PA Department of Education Honors Suite, 333 Market Street, 1st floor, Harrisburg, PA. Future meetings will be posted on the OLTL website as dates are confirmed.

The membership of the subcommittee will be announced in the coming weeks. A majority of subcommittee members will be users of long-term living services and supports, and family caregivers. The subcommittee will advise the department on the design and implementation of MLTSS in Pennsylvania. A number of RCPA members submitted nominations to be considered for the subcommittee.

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On July 22, the Departments of Human Services and Aging announced the next steps in Governor Wolf’s plan to improve care coordination and move to Medicaid Managed Long-Term Services and Supports (MLTSS). These updates are a result of overwhelming response to the public comment period and stakeholder input.

Along with feedback on how MLTSS should be implemented in the Commonwealth, the departments heard feedback on changes that can be made today to improve the current system. They will take the following steps:


Doubling the number of staff who work on Nursing Home Transition (NHT)
PDA and DHS recognize that current processes to move individuals who are able to be better served in the community from institutional settings are lengthy and complicated. To address this, the departments will:

  • Increase the number of staff assigned to NHT from 5 to 10;
  • Identify and implement strategies intended to
    • improve the process
    • enhance program outcomes
    • advance the opportunities for individuals to either avoid premature placement and/or transition back into the community;
  • Evaluate and redesign the entire NHT process; and
  • Increase training for all current NHT staff and providers.


Creating an advisory committee with at least 50 percent representation by participants and caregivers and conducting monthly webinars
Throughout the MLTSS public input sessions, participants, advocates, and providers made it clear that more education, involvement, and communication are necessary as the Commonwealth moves to MLTSS. In order to accomplish this, the departments will:

  • Host monthly webinars on the third Thursday of every month.
  • Create an MLTSS Advisory Committee that will meet under the federally mandated purview of the Medical Assistance Advisory Committee (MAAC).
    • MLTSS program participants will comprise half of the membership, with the remaining half representing provider communities
    • Opportunities for participation via telephone for increased accessibility and convenience
    • This committee will meet bi-weekly
  • Encourage open communications; questions can be submitted via email.


Restructuring existing contracts to provide more choice for participants
Issue a procurement for a home modification quality improvement program in August 2015: In some cases, the transition from a nursing home to living in the community can be accomplished through a simple home modification such as the installation of a ramp for wheelchair access. The new procurement will streamline the current process to make this easier to complete these modifications, while at the same time ensuring that only high-quality contractors complete the work. The contracts will include two providers in each part of the state to provide choices in completing the work.

Issue a financial management services procurement in November 2015: There is currently one statewide vendor that acts on behalf of the consumer to make payroll, withhold and report taxes, and pay bills for individuals in home- and community-based waiver programs. Moving forward, multiple vendors will be awarded the contracts to ensure choice, and they will be required to maintain a regional presence throughout the state.

Award New Contracts for Independent Enrollment Broker (IEB) Services in November 2015: One of the most significant barriers to serving individuals in the community is the length of time it takes to enroll someone in home- and community-based services. The new contracts will be awarded in four regional lots and include new, strong performance standards, to ensure that the vendors are held accountable and participants are not stuck waiting for services.

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On July 14, Estelle Richman, former secretary of the Department of Human Services (DHS), will conduct a presentation; Person-Driven Services in Managed Care Long-Term Services and Supports (MLTSS), from 1:00 to 3:00 pm at Temple University, Ritter Annex Room 555, 1301 Cecil B. Moore Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19122. Members can participate in person or online.

Topics will include:

  • Overview of DHS discussion document on managed care;
  • Overview of federal options for self-directed services and supports in managed care; and
  • Discussion of what stakeholders can do to ensure that good self-directed options are available in any managed care model that DHS administers.