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NADSP Words of Encouragement Blog

Words of Encouragement

A New Series on the NADSP Point of Interaction Blog

As you continue your essential work in supporting people with disabilities, we want to remind you that you are not alone and you are valued for the incredible work you do. The NADSP is committed to sharing words of encouragement  for direct support professionals each week from our colleagues. 

As you are aware, there are protests in virtually every state in America this week. We shared a statement yesterday that we stand in solidarity with the black community regarding the protests and will continue to do so. This week’s Words of Encouragement, from Dr. Al Condeluci, touches on two “viruses” currently threatening lives in the United States: racism and COVID-19.

In addition to Dr. Condeluci’s video, we thought it was important to share comments from a direct support professional who had shared her thoughts on the events this week. The following comes from Ryene Fenner, who is a direct support professional at one of our long-time member agencies in upstate New York; New Horizons Resources, Inc.

To read the letter from Ryene Fenner and watch Al Condeluci’s video, use this link.