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Notification Protocol for Formal Licensing Action and Incidents

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This week we had the opportunity to meet with Office of Children, Youth and Families (OCYF) Acting Deputy Secretary Amy Grippi and her staff to review the current OCYF Bulletin 00-19-02, “Notification Protocol for Formal Licensing Action and Incidents.”

As part of the discussion, RCPA provided a list of concerns and recommendations regarding the language outlining the notification of stakeholders as it related to staff removal from childcare duties based upon an approved plan of supervision.

RCPA supports the goal to ensure safety, transparency, and efficient practices within the scope of the bulletin, but the unintended operational consequences of this part of the notification process has created logistical issues that deem review. At this time, OCYF will engage stakeholders to review the current language and its collateral systems impact. The goal to create a notification process that balances the importance of information dissemination to those directly impacted, that is effective in scale and scope, and within the CPSL reporting standards, is supported.

Additionally, RCPA joins the Pennsylvania Council of Children, Youth, and Family Services (PCCYFS) in supporting the language change below, submitted to OCYF for consideration by Juvenile Detention Centers and Alternative Programs (JDCAP) Executive Director, Wayne Bear.

“This letter is to inform you that in accordance with OCYF policy, a staff has been removed from child care duties based upon an approved plan of supervision pending the outcome of an investigation into an allegation.”

RCPA is grateful for the opportunity to engage in this process with OCYF, as well as future systems initiatives. We will continue to update our members on the status of any changes or issuance of bulletins regarding this topic. If you have any questions or comments, please contact RCPA Children’s Division Director Jim Sharp.