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Now Posted On MyODP.org

ODP Announcement 21-038 is to inform stakeholders that incident management trainings are now available on the MyODP website. These trainings are offered to assist providers and stakeholders with meeting the Orientation and Annual Training requirements set forth in applicable regulations and in Incident Management Bulletin 00-21-02. Training can be accessed at the following link: IM Bulletin Training Series.

ODP presented live webinars titled “Incident Management Introduction” and “Incident Management Overview” (referenced as “Introduction” and “Overview” webinars) from March through April 2021. ODP thanks those of you who participated during the live webinars and for your understanding that technology can bring some unexpected difficulties. For those stakeholders who were not able to attend the webinars as scheduled or for those who want to review the information again, the webinar recordings, related resources, and content are now posted for stakeholder viewing at MyODP’s website. Certificates for the training will be available upon completion.

The “Introduction” and “Overview” webinars were created to give the viewer an understanding of Incident Management prior to continuing through the nine-part training series titled, “Incident Management Bulletin: Recognizing Incidents Webcast Series.” After the Introduction and Overview webinars have been watched, the following will happen:

  • The web link will be accessible to begin the first webcast as part of the training series.
  • After completion of each webcast, the next webcast web link will be accessible (the web browser might need to be refreshed for the link to appear).
  • After review of each of the nine webcasts, the viewer may take the post-test. The post-test contains 25 questions, with unlimited attempts to pass with an 80% or higher.

ODP has received multiple questions regarding training requirements. ODP strongly recommends using the webinars and nine-part training series to comply with the training requirements; however, as per 55 Pa. Code §6100.143 and other applicable chapter’s regulations (i.e. §§6400, 6500, 2380, and 2390), other trainings may be utilized to meet the requirements that are accurate based on any regulation, communication, or training produced by the Department.

ODP strongly encourages providers to supplement these trainings with agency specific practices and procedures to ensure effective recognition and reporting practices. For any questions related to this announcement, please email IMPolicy.