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OCYF Bulletin 3490-19-02

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The Office of Children, Youth and Families (OCYF) has released Bulletin 3490-19-02, entitled “Statewide General Protective Services (GPS) Referrals.” The purpose of this bulletin is to transmit to public children and youth agencies the requirements related to a statewide policy, establishing when a referral can be designated as a GPS report, screen-out protocols, and response times for GPS report assessments. This bulletin rescinds and replaces OCYF Bulletin #3490-12-01, “Statewide General Protective Services Response Times,” which was issued in April 2012. Please note the bulletin effective date has been established to align with the timeframe needed for making modifications to the Child Welfare Information Solution and county case management systems to support full implementation of the policies and procedures outlined in the bulletin.

Training for public children and youth agency staff who make decisions regarding response times, are a part of assigning response times, or respond to reports, will be made available through the University of Pittsburgh School of Social Work, Child Welfare Resource Center E-Learn system, and is scheduled for release in spring 2020.

Questions regarding the bulletin should be directed to your OCYF Regional Office. You may also reach out to Ms. Ashleigh Brunsink, Executive Assistant in the OCYF Deputy Secretary’s Office.