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OCYF Standardized Time Study Process

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As a result of the Rate Methodology Task Force of 2014 and 2016, one of the key recommendations was the implementation of a statewide standardized time study process. The purpose is to ensure consistency across providers, as well as eliminate challenges experienced by private providers whose own time study process or other quantifiable methodology is not accepted by the Office of Children, Youth and Families (OCYF) during the review of the budget documentation, which ultimately reduces Federal Title IV-E funding.

The implementation of a standardized time study should reduce provider time and resources spent on developing, conducting, and analyzing methodologies to support the allocation of time spent on the Title IV-E program. Additionally, it should improve the efficiency of the budget documentation review process.

Over the next several weeks, providers will begin to receive communication from OCYF regarding their individual staff requirements for time study participation. Training on the standardized time study process will be provided January through March 2020. The initial time study periods will be conducted in April/May 2020. The time study data collected in 2020 will be used to support the budget documentation reviews for state fiscal year 2021/22. Please review the full correspondence from Acting OCYF Deputy Secretary Jon Rubin for all details of the Standardized Time Study Process.

For questions on this process, OCYF has set up an RA account. Please copy RCPA Children’s Division Director Jim Sharp on submitted questions or feedback.