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ODP announcement 19-112

ODP Announcement 19-112 provides information regarding Residential Individual Support Plan (ISP) Staffing face-to-face training sessions available during October and November 2019. This training will provide information on revisions to the annotated ISP and its impact on the documentation of staffing support provided to people receiving residential habilitation services in waiver-funded settings.

These changes are intended to replace the need for residential habilitation service staffing ratios by standardizing how risk factors are discussed using person-centered thinking skills, where they will be documented in the ISP, and ensuring there is a description of what technology, environmental supports, and staff supports will be provided to mitigate those risk(s) during specific activities and situations.

The 18 face-to-face training sessions are geared toward key residential provider and SCO staff who regularly attend team meetings, supervise staff who attend team meetings, or train staff that attend team meetings, and AE staff who review and approve plans. It is expected to be conducted in “mixed” audience groups (provider, SCO, AE reps, and ODP) to better assure exposure to a variety of perspectives and roles.

One person per entity is invited to attend to provide a maximum of 30–35 people per session. Participants and their agencies will need to commit to the understanding that, upon completion, they will be a resource at their home agency. The training will be interactive. Examples will be used to apply the concepts in small groups and to reinforce understanding.

All training participants must complete the following prerequisites located on MyODP in the course where registration is available.

  • Residential ISP Staffing Webinar;
  • Health Risk Screening Tool Webinar;
  • Addressing Day-to-Day Risk with the Team; and
  • Person Centered Thinking Mini Modules.

For those who have participated in a face-to-face session or attended a live webinar on any of the topics, it is advised they refresh their knowledge of the content before attending this training.

During the face-to-face training, there will be an opportunity for people to express their interest in becoming an ODP Designated Trainer. Selected volunteers must be endorsed by their CEO/Director and commit to conducting at least two external trainings in 2020. If an agency is interested in identifying a person to become an ODP Designated Trainer, it is recommended that the agency consider sending this same person to one of the 18 sessions. Nomination forms will be available at the face-to-face training sessions for those who are interested in becoming an ODP Designated Trainer. Once all face-to-face sessions are completed and ODP identifies individuals to become an ODP Designated Trainer, ODP will host a train-the-trainer session.

If you have any questions, please reach out to your ODP Regional Office.