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ODP Guidance for Modifications to Medical Examinations for Residential Staff

ODP Announcement 20-054 provides guidance for providers to meet challenges associated with obtaining medical examinations for staff and for individuals receiving services in provider-operated residential settings during the COVID-19 pandemic.

For Staff Persons:

  • Immediately before working with individuals, the provider must screen staff persons for COVID-19 symptoms in accordance with the most current guidance specified by the Pennsylvania Department of Health. The staff persons’ personal physician or a physician associated with the provider must be contacted, and the physician’s guidance followed, if symptoms are present. Additionally, within 12 months prior to working with individuals, staff must have had a truncated medical examination either in person or via telemedicine. Medical examination results must be shared with the provider, and the provider must retain documentation of the results.

For Individuals receiving supports:

  • Immediately before admission to a provider-operated residential setting, an individual must be screened for COVID-19 symptoms in accordance with the most current guidance specified by the Pennsylvania Department of Health. The individual’s personal physician or a physician associated with the provider must be contacted, and the physician’s guidance followed, if symptoms are present before the individual can be admitted to the home. Additionally, individuals must have a truncated medical examination either in person or via telemedicine within 12 months prior to or 72 hours after admission. Medical examination results must be shared with the provider, and the provider must retain documentation of the results.

Providers will not be out of compliance in any instance where one or more services specified in the individual’s plan cannot be provided due to factors or circumstances associated with COVID-19. Providers must document the factors or circumstances associated with COVID-19 that prevented the provision of service as specified in an individual’s plan in the individual’s record.

With the Governor’s authorization as conferred in the disaster emergency issued on March 6, 2020, all regulatory provisions in 55 Pa. Code Chapters 6100, 6400 and 6500 and other policies or rules that would impose an impediment to implementing this guidance are suspended. Those suspensions will remain in place while the proclamation of disaster emergency remains in effect or such other time as ODP directs.

Please contact ODP’s Regulatory Administration Unit with any questions about this announcement.