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ODP Provider Feedback Regarding COVID-19 Experience

The Office of Developmental Programs’ (ODP) is very interested in better understanding your experience during this pandemic. More specifically, we would like to capture your thoughts and perspectives regarding ODP’s actions during the pandemic, as well as your agency’s response to the pandemic. The purpose of this survey is to have information to guide future decision making during and after the pandemic.

We are asking the providers of the following services to complete this survey:

  1. Intellectual Disability/Autism (ID/A) Waivers and Adult Autism Waiver (AAW): Residential, Employment, Behavioral, Nursing,
  2. ID/A: In Home Community Support and Companion, and
  3. AAW: Community Support and Systematic Skill Building.

Please note that there are other information collection efforts underway to collect the experiences for other service types. Specifically, Community Participation Support providers should not complete this survey.

We have taken much effort to design a survey that ensures the feedback will be useful in making additional decisions during the remainder of and after the pandemic. Therefore, you will note that this is a rather robust survey. While piloting the survey with providers, we noted that it took an average of 60-90 minutes to complete. This was dependent on the service type chosen as that determines how many questions are asked of the respondents.

We are asking that you complete one survey for each service you provide as an agency but understand that this may be burdensome. If you cannot dedicate staff to completing for each service you provide, please complete for at least the top two or three services by volume that you provide. For large providers that cover a broad geographic area we encourage you to complete surveys that will represent the diversity of experience your organization may have experienced since the pandemic began.

Generally, the feedback should represent the agency’s opinions. To support this, we have developed a document capturing all survey questions that you can review prior to completing the survey in QuestionPro (see attached). We would very much appreciate if you would find the time to complete this survey, at least once, so that your perspectives are included.

You can access the survey here: https://afteraction2020.questionpro.com

The survey will be open until Friday, October 9, 2020.

Kristin Ahrens
Deputy Secretary
PA Department of Human Services | Office of Developmental Programs