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As of December 2, 2023, Residential Habilitation procedure codes that reflect Needs Group 5 (NG5) have been loaded into the Home and Community Services Information System (HCSIS). These procedure codes have not been automatically added to provider service offerings. Providers will need to add the appropriate NG5 procedure codes via the service management screens in HCSIS. The instructions for adding a service can be found on the HCSIS Provider Updates Tip Sheet.

For any future NEA NG5 requests, please contact the rate setting mailbox for guidance. Previous communication regarding NG5 can be found here.

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has shared ODPANN 23-048: Required Communication Specialist Provider Qualification Training UPDATED. The purpose of this announcement is to remind Communication Specialist providers that in order to provide services after January 1, 2024, the Communication Specialist training must be completed. Please review the announcement for updated information, including accessing the training course.

MyODP has posted the most recent version of the Adult Autism Waiver’s (AAW) Supports & Services Directory (SSD) for December 2023. You can find it here.

SPECIAL NOTE TO PROVIDERS: Please review your contact information in the SSD. If it requires updating, send your corrected information via email with “SSD” in the subject line. Also, please submit any questions regarding this communication or updates for the directory via email with “SSD” in the subject line.

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has shared ODPANN 23-101: Provider Qualification Process. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) requires a statewide process to ensure providers are qualified to render services to waiver-funded individuals. The Provider Qualification Process described in ODPANN 23-101 outlines the steps the Assigned AE and provider must follow to meet these requirements and the steps SCs must take to transition individuals if needed. Please review the announcement for information and details.

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) wishes to share this survey on housing from PA Family Network to all families, caregivers, and individuals with disabilities.

They will be using the information gathered from this survey to build content for the program “Housing Myth Busting.” The program’s goal is to provide accurate information that shows people with disabilities and their families that there are viable options that provide choice and control outside of residential settings. You can take the survey here.

Living where you choose and with whom you choose is a basic human right, yet policies and practices are still in place that prevent people with intellectual, developmental, and physical disabilities from living in their own home. Secure, safe, and stable housing is vital to helping all people thrive, no matter their circumstances. By looking at the intersections of Housing, Disability, and the Medicaid Waiver System, we can promote awareness and education, ultimately expanding choice and control in housing for all people with Intellectual Disabilities.

This is part of a grant and is made possible by the PADDC Council.

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has shared ODPANN 23-099 Medication Administration Paper Course Discontinuation Reminder and Online System Trainer Refresher CourseThe purpose of this communication is to remind Medication Administration trainers that the 2004 paper course and the 2004 and 2013 manuals will be discontinued and no longer valid for use in training students after December 31, 2023, and to advertise an Online System Trainer Refresher Course being held in January 2024. In addition, in response to the concerns providers have shared, ODP has restructured the documentation exam. They are also working on the language level assessment for the multiple choice exam and the documentation exam. ODP anticipates that all updates will be completed prior to January 1, 2024. 

Please review the ODP Announcement for details.