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The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has shared ODPANN 23-040: FY23-24 Renewal Guidance. This communication will provide guidance for the FY 2023/24 renewal period. The following topical areas are addressed in this communication:

  • Federal COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Ending;
  • Leap Year;
  • Person/Family Directed Support (P/FDS) Cap Exceptions;
  • Waiver Rate Load;
  • Needs Level/Needs Group Clean-up;
  • Variance Process for Established Service Requirements;
  • Consolidated Waiver Fee Schedule Residential Rate Exceptions;
  • Reserve to Encumbrance; and
  • Resources.

For information related to special considerations, please contact the ODP Regional Program Office assigned to your region. For questions related to the participant-directed services (PDS rate table or calculator), please contact your ODP Regional Financial Management Services (FMS)/PDS Lead.

See the resource ODP-ID/A: SC100I Supports Coordination > Chapter 17: Fiscal Year Renewal: ISP – v8.0 9/21/13 in the LMS for information on how to perform a FY Renewal.

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has shared an updated version of ODPANN 23-025. This update provides guidance for individuals who previously indicated they wanted to resume Community Participation Support (CPS) services but have not yet continued with the service. Please review the announcement for more information.

Orchid Phoenix is an annual virtual tabletop exercise (VTTX) facilitated by the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) to improve the understanding of emergency response concepts, identify opportunities or problems for your program, and build organizational, systemic resiliency.

Previously, participation was only available to Intermediate Care Facilities (ICF). For this year, ODP is expanding Orchid Phoenix and invites the following organizations to participate:

  • ICF facilities;
  • ICF provider organizations; and
  • Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) provider organizations.

The exercise time commitment will be for one four-hour period during the last two weeks of August 2023. ODP will ensure that the four-hour time commitment is respected. Once the call for participants is closed and the number of interested organizations is known, you will receive additional communication to schedule a specific date and time.

The call for participants for the 2023 Orchid Phoenix VTTX will close on June 30, 2023, at 5:00 pm. Please submit your interest in participation here.

The 2023 Orchid Phoenix VTTX will be a group discussion-based and mediator-facilitated exercise that will focus on four key target capabilities: Planning, Operational Coordination, Situational Awareness, and Critical Transportation.

  • Participating organizations will be presented with an evolving scenario that summarizes key events occurring within a defined time period.
  • Participating organizations will engage representatives from within their organization for a functional group discussion to identify an organizational response and think critically about unmet needs or future concerns.
  • Each participating organization will share a summary of their functional group discussion to the other participating organizations.

Questions and concerns about the 2023 Orchid Phoenix VTTX or this communication may be directed to Douglas Trahey, MPA, Emergency Preparedness and Response Coordinator.

In 2020, the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) Bureau of Supports for Autism and Special Populations (BSASP) clinical team implemented a triage process to prioritize clinical support for participants and teams with high-risk needs. Currently, those participants deemed high-risk are assigned one clinical rep to consult with teams and ensure continuity of support. All other participant teams reach out to the clinical team as needed, but the clinical rep varies depending on the need at that time. The triage process remains fluid, and as participant’s needs change, risks increase, or new concerns arise, so will the level of clinical support. The triage levels are determined by multiple factors, including the information identified within the Periodic Risk Evaluation (PRE) and incident history. This triage process only applies to the ODP-BSASP Clinical Team and does not change any involvement, operational processes, or responsibilities of the Regional Office and the Regional Office Representatives.

New AAW Clinical Referral Process

In an effort to maximize the clinical team resources and triage team needs efficiently, the clinical team is implementing a new referral process for participant teams in the Adult Autism Waiver (AAW) in need of clinical support effective May 15, 2023. This new process will require Supports Coordinators (SCs) to complete an online form to share information about the type of support requested. View the full announcement here. The referral form is titled Referral for ODP/BSASP Consult for AAW Participants.

If you have any questions about this communication or process, please contact the Provider Support inbox.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Administrative Entities are asked to assist the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) in achieving the request below of all Supports Coordinators. Please keep the survey available and ensure that SCOs are providing the information as requested.

Supports Coordinators have been asked to provide the following information to the individuals and their families at any contact in May and June 2023.

  • Digital Version of Supporting Families Survey — This could be emailed and includes the link to the survey as well as the QR code to access the survey.
  • Printable Version of Supporting Families Survey — This could be printed and mailed and includes the QR code to access the survey.
  • Texting — The QR code itself could also be texted by itself; the information on the flyers is included on the first page of the survey.

For Those Who Need Help Taking the Survey:

Both flyers explain how to request help taking the survey by sending an email to ODP outreach. Once a request is received, the person will be called by a member of the PA Community of Practice (CoP) for Supporting Families Leadership Team. They will be asked the questions over the phone, and the person assisting will enter their responses. This is a great opportunity for people who have limited or no access to the internet.

The survey was developed by the PA CoP for Supporting Families Leadership Team as the measure for our Quality Management Plan for Supporting Families. The results of the 2021 survey showed that 70% of families have the information and support that they need when and how they need it. In 2023, we hope to learn more about how people want to receive support and topics of information across all life domains that people would find helpful. It is hoped that this survey will help ODP, Supports Coordinators and Organizations, as well as Administrative Entities to know more about how to support people in the context of their families.

If you would like further information about the CoP for Supporting Families or the Quality Management Plan and/or survey, please contact Candida Walton.

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) Technology Task Force is seeking input from providers about the use of Remote Supports, Assistive Technology, Teleservices, and Video Monitoring. The information collected will develop baseline data and inform future decisions related to supportive technology. We would like to thank all providers that have participated in the survey so far. We have extended the deadline so that all providers may have a chance to participate.

This brief survey should take approximately 5–10 minutes to complete. Please include information for all individuals served and for all service locations throughout your organization. Once collected, ODP plans to publish the results for all stakeholders.

The survey will close on Friday, May 5, 2023, at 4:00 pm.

Thank you for your participation.

To complete the survey, please use this link.

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) wishes to create awareness of a recent announcement from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommending consumers, health care providers, and facilities not use certain surgical N95 respirators manufactured by O&M Halyard, and to use caution with certain surgical masks and pediatric face masks manufactured by O&M Halyard. For access to additional details, please visitFDA Safety Communication: O&M Halyard Surgical N95 Respirators, Surgical Masks, and Pediatric Face Masks.”

If this creates a hardship to a provider, please reach out to Douglas Trahey electronically.