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The word Deadline circled on a calendar to remind you of an important due date or countdown for your final answer, payment, project completion, or other vital milestone

Please share with others and/or complete this survey about your training needs.

The survey should take less than 10 minutes to complete.

Responses are anonymous, and any contact information provided will be stored separately from survey responses. The data collected from this survey will be used by the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) to develop trainings that reflect the needs of provider and professional organizations throughout the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Thank you for participating!

The purpose of ODP Announcement 21-001 is to gather information (for planning purposes) on system interest in completing the Office of Developmental Program’s (ODP’s) virtual Quality Management (QM) Certification classes in 2021. Please review the announcement for additional information and to complete the survey.

Please tell us if you would be interested in attending a QM certification class in 2021 by visiting the following link and completing the quick survey no later than January 15, 2021.

The Department of Human Services (DHS), Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) is pleased to announce the release of Bulletin 00-20-04: “Participant-Directed Services: Agency with Choice Financial Management Services Model. This bulletin obsoletes and replaces ODP Bulletin 00-08-08: “Agency with Choice Financial Management Services (AWC FMS)”.

There have been extensive changes in ODP’s waivers, regulations, and structure in the 12 years since Bulletin 00-08-08 was issued. Bulletin 00-20-04, which was developed with significant stakeholder input, updates and modernizes ODP’s expectations for AWC operations to reflect contemporary practices in service delivery.

ODP intends to provide targeted training and education sessions on Bulletin 00-20-04 as soon as it can be accomplished. See the following attachments for additional information:

Attachment 1: AWC Employer Responsibilities

Attachment 2: Managing Employer Skills Training Topics

Attachment 3: Model Managing Employer Agreement Form

Questions about the bulletin’s implementation or contents may be directed to the appropriate ODP Regional Office or to ODP’s Participant Direction Administration Unit.

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) is reissuing communication ODPANN 20-114: “Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): Updated Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About Modifications to Medication Administration Course Requirement as a Result of the COVID-19 Pandemic”. The communication is being reissued to clarify the status of Announcement 20-102 as obsolete. Please use this version of 20-114 as it shows the clarification in the announcement.

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

ODP Announcement 20-101 has been updated regarding temporary closure guidance for older adult daily living centers, structured day programs, LIFE Day Centers, adult training facilities, and vocational facilities. This guidance is related to the community spread of COVID-19 and when an individual or staff member is diagnosed with COVID-19 and has spent 15 minutes or more in the facility “within a 24 hour period starting from two days before illness onset (or, for asymptomatic patients, two days prior to test specimen collection) and ending with the time the person is isolated”. Additionally, this announcement describes the process for re-opening facilities by using the Community Participation Support and Older Adult Facility Reopening Tool.

Changes noted within the announcement include:

When facilities are in communities in moderate level of community spread, “Facilities may choose to close, stay closed, remain open, or reopen if previously closed. If a facility remains open or reopens while the level of community transmission is moderate, it is recommended that the facility” increase mitigation measures related to COVID-19, including but not limited to (1) informing participants with high risk needs of the “moderate” level of community transmission designation; (2) considering reduction in the number of service days to provide for additional cleaning; (3) reducing, or at a minimum, not expanding current capacity; and (4) making alternative transportation plans for anyone using public transit or multi-passenger vehicles with passengers from multiple locations.

When facilities are in communities in substantial level of community spread, the recommendation is for the facility to close or remain “closed until the level of community transmission returns to and remains in low or moderate for 14 days”.

“Should a facility remain open or re-open, it is recommended that the provider review the health risks of the individuals the provider serves and the behavioral risks (e.g. ability to tolerate masks, hand hygiene, social distancing) of COVID-19 transmission for the individuals. Providers should review the COVID-19 mitigation strategies used during transportation and service provision to determine whether additional COVID-19 mitigation strategies need to be implemented as a result of an increase in community transmission in the county where the provider operates. Providers should develop plans to protect the health and safety of their staff and the individuals they serve as well as the families of staff and of the individuals served that include the following:

  • Changes to the method of service delivery and how staff will be deployed (e.g. remote versus in-person or in-home versus in congregate settings);
  • Enhancements to existing or implementation of additional COVID-19 mitigation strategies in alignment with applicable COVID-19 guidance; and
  • Communication of changes the provider has made to individuals, families, supports coordinators, and any other affected providers.”

Please see ODP Announcement 20-101 for all updates.