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OMHSAS Stakeholder Informational Webinar Overview

On April 30, OMHSAS presented a stakeholder informational webinar, led by Deputy Secretary Kristen Houser. The updates included overviews from OMHSAS Bureau Heads of certain issues as they relate to OMHSAS operational guidance during the COVID-19 crisis.

Additional expanded guidance is forthcoming from OMHSAS that covers telehealth, the BHRS/IBHS operations, and Pre Authorization changes. OMHSAS is also seeking feedback from providers on the utilization of telehealth and the experience and successes providers are having in this mode of service delivery. RCPA is currently working with members to gather this data and information to present to DHS.

Please follow this link to the PowerPoint slides that provide an overview as well as links to guidelines and FAQs from DHS during the pandemic.