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OSERS Rehabilitation Services Administration News

The Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS) Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) issued a Questions and Answers document in response to inquiries from State Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) agencies concerning the fiscal management of the VR program as it continues serving individuals with disabilities in the current Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) environment.

The Questions and Answers document is available here. In the near future, RSA plans to issue additional Questions and Answers related to the VR program, State Supported Employment Services program, and discretionary grant programs, including the American Indian Vocational Rehabilitation Services program. OSERS/RSA will continue to work with State and local leaders to identify any additional areas where it can provide information to support stakeholders in their important work.

Additionally, the Department of Education sponsored VR 100 Series Webinar on Innovative Strategies from VR During the COVID-19 Pandemic. The recording, transcript, and PowerPoint may be accessed here.