ASERT Shares New Resources on Dental Health, College Decisions, and More

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) invites you to save the date for the 2024 Pennsylvania Autism Training Conference! The conference will be held virtually from November 5 – 7, 2024. More details, as well as registration information, is to follow.
Do you know an artist or storyteller? Encourage them to share their talents at PATC!
Call for Personal Stories: Calling all self-advocates with autism! Share your story at the 2024 PA Autism Training Conference. Choose from one of our featured prompts and let your voice be heard! Stories will be displayed virtually during the conference and beyond. Must be 14 or older to participate. Visit here to learn more! Submissions Due: August 2, 2024.
Call for Artists: ODP would like to invite artists with autism to exhibit their work virtually during the 2024 Pennsylvania Autism Training Conference. The art show will consist of images links of artwork supplied by the artists, as well as to their website or email addresses for further information for attendees. Visit here to learn more. Submissions Due: September 6, 2024.
Pennsylvania Autism (Virtual) Training Conference
Conference Dates: October 5–7, 2021
The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) is requesting proposals that focus on the lived experience of professionals who provide support for individuals with autism. As a provider, you probably experienced many challenges and adversity in the past months, both related and unrelated to the COVID-19 pandemic. How can we take the hardships, learn from them, and integrate that knowledge as we move into the future?
During PATC 2021, we will be highlighting the concept of post-traumatic growth that from difficult experiences comes opportunity and the chance for progress. We want to give you the opportunity to share your experience, your stories of ordeals and difficulties, and of recovery and resilience.
Further instructions, including how to submit your story, can be found here. Submissions are due by August 6, 2021.
ODP Announcement 19-101 serves to communicate that registration is open for the 12th Annual PA Autism Training Conference: PATC Interact 2019. The conference will be held at the Lancaster Marriott at Penn Square, 25 South Queen Street, Lancaster, PA. The conference is scheduled for Thursday, September 5 and Friday, September 6, 2019.
As programs in Pennsylvania expand to include people with autism, this conference will provide all professionals working directly with children and/or adults with autism the tools, strategies, and resources to provide the most effective support. Opportunities for engagement with providers and experts in the field will be offered throughout this conference. Professionals looking to increase their knowledge of and/or ability to support individuals with autism across the spectrum and the lifespan should attend. All professionals supporting individuals with autism in Pennsylvania, in all systems, are welcomed.
Conference session topics include:
Suicide Prevention, Behavior Analysis, Health & Wellness, Meaningful Communication, Justice System, Family Systems, Dual Diagnosis, Community Engagement, and Relationships.
The event flyer contains details and registration information.