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PA House and Senate Approve Budget Bills

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The Pennsylvania House of Representatives is poised to send SB1073, the General Appropriations spending bill, to the Senate today. The new budget bill authorizes important spending for all state programs – although SB1073 authorizes $31.55 billion in spending, the House will send the bill to the Senate without the requisite revenue to produce a balanced budget.

Highlights of the new budget plan includes:

  • $200 million of additional funding for basic education;
  • $30 million more for early childhood education;
  • $20 million more for special education;
  • $10 million more for early intervention services;
  • Flat funding for Penn State, the University of Pittsburgh, Temple University, and Lincoln University;
  • $15 million for the opioid crisis;
  • $5 million for “emergency addiction treatment through DDAP”;
  • $10 million for “behavioral health services” through DHS;
  • $80.4 million more is appropriated to reduce the waiting list; and
  • $31.2 million in additional funds devoted to services to persons with a disability.

According to Appropriations Chair Bill Adolph (R – Delaware), the proposed spending would be paid for by a mix of revenue sources: increased and new taxes on smoking related products ($480 million), additional revenue from the gaming expansion bill that still awaits a final vote in the House ($267 million), tax amnesty revenue ($129 million), the funds already projected from the recently enacted liquor bill, and $50 million from a license fee for a Philadelphia casino.

For members’ convenience, please see the summary of the House Republican budget proposal created by RCPA. Contact Jack Phillips with any questions.