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PA House of Representatives

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Yesterday was primary day in the Commonwealth. The primary was a municipal election covering county commissioner, Court of Common Pleas, mayor, council, school board, and other municipal races; however, two House seats were up for grabs in Delaware and Northumberland Counties.

In Delaware County, Democrat Heather Boyd defeated Republican Katie Ford for a vacancy created by the resignation of Democratic Rep. Mike Zabel.

In Northumberland County, the Republicans held onto the seat in the 108th Legislative District as Republican Michael Stender defeated Democrat Trevor Finn. The seat was open because former Republican State Rep. Lynda Schlegel Culver won a Senate special election earlier this year to succeed former state Sen. John Gordner, R-Columbia.

When these two newly elected officials are sworn in, the Democrats will control the House in the State’s General Assembly by a thin margin of 102 Democrats to 101 Republicans.

Please contact Jack Phillips with any questions.