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PA IEB Outreach Coordinator Map

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The Community Relations Manager for the Pennsylvania Independent Enrollment Broker (IEB) program (aka Maximus) has provided a map of Outreach Coordinators on the team and their coverage areas. This information was requested during the December 19, 2018 RCPA Physical Disabilities and Aging Division meeting.

Please Note: Jennifer Borgess in the North Central Region (shown in green on the map) is leaving the PA IEB (her last day will be January 4, 2019). Until a replacement is found for this region, if someone in that region reaches out to the PA IEB, please copy Joan Landis (Community Relations Manager) and Jahd Burns (her team supervisor) to ensure the issue is addressed by someone. Once a new coordinator in that area is hired and trained to take over this region, an updated map will be issued.

Contact Melissa Dehoff, RCPA Rehabilitation Services Director, with questions.