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PA Juvenile Court Judges’ Commission

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The 2019 James E. Anderson Pennsylvania Conference on Juvenile Justice will be held from Wednesday, November 6 – Friday, November 8, in Harrisburg. This year, the Chief Juvenile Probation Officer/Service Provider Forum at the Juvenile Court Judges’ Commission (JCJC) Conference will include a panel of judges, chiefs, and providers to discuss matters of mutual interest. Taking concerns into account, they want to ensure this is a planned, organized, and respectful event and are asking for any specific questions or topics you would like the facilitator to address. This will be an open discussion and they will take questions from the audience; however, the facilitator will be provided with topics so as not to identify those who may have a specific issue with the juvenile probation and/or the courts.

Use this link to sign in or create an account and register to attend. For any questions about this event, please contact Bob Tomassini or Andy Benner.

This is a great opportunity for identifying current issues and concerns, in a critical time in our juvenile justice system, to be respectfully discussed in a problem-solving environment. Topics for the forum can be emailed directly to Abigail Wilson.

If you have any further questions or feedback, please contact RCPA Children’s Division Director Jim Sharp.