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PA MLTSS Subcommittee Meeting

Due to cancellation of the March 7 Managed Long-Term Services and Supports (MLTSS) Subcommittee meeting, the meeting has been rescheduled for Monday, March 19, from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm in the Honor’s Suite at 333 Market Street Tower in Harrisburg.

Attendance via phone/webinar:
If you wish to participate in the MLTSS Subcommittee meeting on March 19, but can’t attend in person, the option to participate via webinar is being offered. Provided below is the webinar link and dial-in information for the meeting.

The Department of Human Services, Office of Long-Term Living is using technology similar to that used at Third Thursday webinars for MLTSS Subcommittee meetings. This technology allows individuals to participate in the webinar and listen in through computer speakers instead of participating by webinar and dial in. Dial in will still be available if you do not participate by webinar only, but the number is no longer toll free.

To participate in the meeting via webinar, please register by clicking on the link below. Members participating via webinar are encouraged to register early. When registering, please verify that you entered your email address correctly. You will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar if you registered correctly.

Webinar Registration Link:

Dial-In Number:
The dial in number is: 1-415-655-0052; Access Code: 722-088-701

If you have any questions about registering for the webinar or require a toll free number to dial in, please contact the Office of Long-Term Living. For questions regarding this email, call 717-857-3280.