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pa state budget impasse

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Over the weekend, the House failed to pass SB 1071, which is the hybrid pension bill, by a vote of 52/149 with no support from the Democratic Caucus and over 60 Republicans. After the vote, numerous meetings were held among leadership. Once the meetings concluded, the House floated the possibility of forging ahead with some type of stopgap measure that would fund education and human services. However, the governor and Senate leadership indicated that a stopgap budget was a non-starter.

This article from Capitolwire is a good and extensive overview of what is going on with the budget here in Harrisburg. Health and Human service budget line items are still fluid until the House and Senate negotiate a final budget deal. RCPA will provide updates on any budget deal, and RCPA encourages members to continue to contact the governor and state legislators to inform them why it’s necessary for them to pass a state budget sooner rather than later. Questions, contact Jack Phillips.