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PA Telemedicine Legislation

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Yesterday, Senator Vogel introduced SB 857 – The Telemedicine Act. The Telemedicine Act authorizes the practice of telemedicine by health care providers. It requires each licensure board to promulgate regulations within 24 months of the effective date and provides for the publishing of temporary regulations within 60 days. The bill further provides for evaluation and treatment, insurance coverage, and Medicaid program reimbursement. The provisions regarding insurance coverage and Medicaid program reimbursement shall take effect in 90 days and the remainder shall take effect immediately.

As you may recall, Senator Vogel had a similar bill pass the Senate last legislative session but it died in the House. SB 857 has been listed as a legislative fall priority for both the House and Senate. Please take the time to review the legislation, and provide any feedback to Jack Phillips, RCPA’s Director of Government Affairs.