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Pennsylvania Children and Youth Administrators

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The Family First Prevention Services Act will dramatically change the federal funding priorities for child welfare. There will be a host of new requirements and some new opportunities in the areas of prevention and older youth. There is more of a push toward evidence-based programs. Pennsylvania is working to implement the provisions of the Family First Act in October of this year.

The Pennsylvania Children and Youth Administrators would like to invite you to join them for an update regarding the Family First Act and Transition Act, as well as hear the latest of where Pennsylvania is at regarding implementation. The Office of Children, Youth, and Families (OCYF) has once again graciously agreed to present and to answer what questions they can. This training is open to commissioners, CYS agencies, providers, and others interested in learning more about Family First and Pennsylvania’s implementation efforts.

The training will be Monday, February 24, 10:00 am – 12:30 pm at the CCAP Office: 2789 Old Post Road, Harrisburg, PA 17110. See the flyer for registration details.

Please join our friends at the Pennsylvania Children and Youth Administrators (PCYA), an affiliate of the County Commissioners Association of PA, and the Pennsylvania Council on Children, Youth, and Family Services (PCCYFS) as they recognize the dedicated professionals and service providers who work to protect and provide services that support safety, well-being, and permanency for Pennsylvania’s children.

In light of the focus on the child welfare system in PA, RCPA Children’s Division will continue to provide additional advocacy and support of recommendations and activities that lead to comprehensive child welfare systems reform. RCPA children’s services providers are well-positioned to provide a diverse array of services that address child abuse prevention, intervention, trauma treatment, and when necessary, post-placement services.

For more information about the Providers’ Awareness Week and related activities, please contact Jennifer A. James at PCYA.