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Pennsylvania House to assist in Covid-19 fight

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Text of March 13 press release.

HARRISBURG – The House is preparing to return for a historic session week on Monday, March 16. As a result of the Capitol complex being closed to visitors, several committee meetings, hearings and informational sessions have been postponed. Floor proceedings will go on as scheduled with an effort to work as expeditiously as possible to address key issues related to COVID-19. The session schedule could be shortened if legislation to address the virus is agreed upon. There will be no guests in the House chamber or in the gallery.

Legislation to be considered by the House is still being determined as leaders from the House, Senate and the Wolf administration collaborate on the best legislative course of action to assist in the continuing efforts to slow the spread of COVID-19 in Pennsylvania. Discussions are on-going and planned through the weekend to address possible funding, access to health care services, insurance and workplace protection reforms and the scope of a health emergency declaration.

The swearing-in ceremony for Roni Green, recently elected to represent the 190th Legislative District, will proceed as scheduled.

The public is encouraged to follow live web streams of House session and the majority of committee meetings at PAHouseGOP.com. Up to the minute changes to committee meetings and schedules is available at www.legis.state.pa.us. Important information and events may also be viewed by visiting Facebook.com/PAHouseGOP.