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Positive Approaches

Hands touching in a circle
Photo by Hannah Busing on Unsplash

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) and the Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (OMHSAS) are pleased to announce the latest edition of the Positive Approaches Journal.

This issue of the Positive Approaches Journal takes a deep dive into the importance of community safety and wellness for individuals and families. Topics include emergency preparedness, interventions and programs for youth, justice and community supports and services, and navigating crises situations. Remember, a community that prioritizes health, safety, and well-being is one that thrives and prospers.

This issue of Positive Approaches Journal is in digital form, available for viewing online or for downloading at MyODP’s website. To print a copy of the PDF, online journal, or a specific article, you will find these options within your left navigation bar on any Positive Approaches Journal page. A new window will open with your selected document. In your browser, you may click the Print button in the top left corner of the page, or by using the Print capability within your browser.

Please submit feedback regarding your experience with the Positive Approaches Journal on MyODP by selecting the feedback image on MyODP within your left navigation bar on any Positive Approaches Journal page.

The Positive Approaches Journal is published quarterly. For additional information, please contact ODP Training’s inbox.

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) and the Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (OMHSAS) have announced the latest edition of the Positive Approaches Journal is now available!

Understanding Trauma: From Theory to Practice

This issue of the Positive Approaches Journal addresses the approach to trauma and its role in the lives of individuals with intellectual disabilities and autism (ID/A) and mental illness from a variety of perspectives. Just as trauma arises from a variety of sources and experiences, addressing it in a meaningful, accessible way requires that each voice is heard, valued, and respected.

There are foundational principles that are vital in determining the best path forward in a trauma-informed manner, and we can and should learn from and leverage these principles and best practices. The goal of this issue of the Positive Approaches Journal is to present diverse, expert voices in understanding trauma from theory to practice.

This issue of Positive Approaches Journal is in digital form, available for viewing online or for downloading at MyODP’s website.

To print a copy of the PDF, online journal, or a specific article, you will find these options within your left navigation bar on any Positive Approaches Journal page. A new window will open with your selected document. In your browser, you may click the Print button in the top left corner of the page, or by using the Print capability within your browser.

Please submit feedback regarding your experience with the Positive Approaches Journal on MyODP by selecting the feedback image on MyODP within your left navigation bar on any Positive Approaches Journal page.

The Positive Approaches Journal is published quarterly. For additional information, please contact ODP electronically.

The Department of Human Services’ (DHS) Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (OMHSAS) and the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) invites you to join the Statewide Quarterly Positive Approaches & Practices virtual meeting on January 24, 2024. The meeting will be held from 10:00 am – 3:00 pm and focus on restrictive procedures. OMHSAS and ODP will discuss restrictive procedures as they relate to the licensing of Community Residential Rehabilitation (CRR) services, Inpatient Psychiatric services, Long-Term Structured Residences (LTSR), Residential Treatment Facilities for Adults (RTF-A), and Community Homes. There will also be a panel presentation to review some of the strategies associated with the development of restrictive procedures, including tips for the creation of plans consistent with best practice strategies.

Please view the flyer for detailed session and registration information.

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) and the Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (OMHSAS) are pleased to announce this latest edition of the Positive Approaches Journal titled “Innovation & Best Practices in Supporting Autistic Adults.”

The focus of autism supports has almost exclusively been on children. Articles in this issue of Positive Approaches seeks to shed some light on adults with autism, including:

  • An article on transgender identity and gender dysphoria highlighting ways that adults with autism can be supported and accepted while defining who they are;
  • An article on the Temple University Community Participation Measure and its success in showing areas where adults with autism are spending their time, thereby giving a clearer picture on where supports and services may best be provided;
  • An article on an adult with autism’s journey from work into retirement and how he perceived this milestone;
  • An article discussing Pennsylvania’s continuing development of forward-thinking autism supports and services;
  • An article on the ongoing development and expansion of the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections Neurodevelopmental Residential Treatment Unit; and
  • An article on the reasoning, development, and success of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center’s (UPMC) Western Behavioral Health Psychiatric Rehabilitation (PR) program carve-out program to serve autistic adults.

This journal issue focuses on the need to look across the lifespan to better understand the issues adults with autism may face.

Positive Approaches Journal is available for viewing online or for downloading in digital form.

Beyond Silos: Highlighting Multisystem Approachesin Pennsylvania

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has been at the forefront of developing programs and initiatives that work to meet the support and service needs of individuals with complex needs. This issue of Positive Approaches features a sample of cross-office efforts that enable individuals to succeed in their everyday lives. This issue will focus on ways that Pennsylvania has endeavored to better understand and meet the needs of people with complex needs including children with medical complexities and/or behavioral health needs. We offer an overview of cross office capacity building efforts supported in part by the Money Follows the Person (MFP) funds. Finally, this issue will provide overviews of peer support services as a viable support model and of PA Care Partnership philosophy of System of Care (SOC) as a foundation to build behavioral health supports and services for children, youth, young adults, and their families. These efforts here in Pennsylvania are worthy of highlighting as we strive to get better at supporting individuals with intellectual disability and/or autism (ID/A) and individuals with mental health conditions in Pennsylvania.

This issue of Positive Approaches Journal is in digital form, available for viewing online or for downloading. To print a copy of the PDF, online journal, or a specific article, you will find these options within your left navigation bar on any Positive Approaches Journal page. A new window will open with your selected document. In your browser, you may click the Print button in the top left corner of the page or use the Print capability within your browser.

Please submit feedback regarding your experience with the Positive Approaches Journal on MyODP by clicking the image below within this email or by clicking on the feedback image on MyODP within your left navigation bar on any Positive Approaches Journal page.