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FDA Safety Advisory (Issued June 28, 2022): Do not use neck floats with babies for water therapy interventions, especially with babies who have developmental delays or special health care needs.

See the full FDA Communication here.

If you have any questions, please contact RCPA Children’s Policy Director Jim Sharp. Please share with those in your networks. Thank you.

This fall, the National Alliance for Direct Support Professionals announced that it would be conducting a comprehensive campaign across the country to address COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among direct support professionals. This initiative is part of a cooperative agreement with the Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD), funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
During this year-long campaign, NADSP is launching a variety of outreach activities including fact sheets, blogs, podcasts, and the production of public service announcements (PSAs).

In November, NADSP’s Director of Educational Services, John Raffaele, worked with filmmaker Jerry Smith and producer Pete McCauley of the Institute on Community Integration at the University of Minnesota to capture some important and thought-provoking conversations.

This video is the first of many PSAs featuring DSPs, family members, and people receiving supports who shared varying perspectives on COVID-19 vaccination. Uwvie Obodo, a direct support professional at the Center for Family Support  in New York City, shares his experience below.

To learn more about John’s experiences during the first phase of filming, and the new insight he gained into why 26% of DSPs remain unvaccinated, visit the “Read More” section.

COVID-19 Webinars

Since the onset of COVID-19, NADSP has hosted a number of webinars about the pandemic — specifically covering its relationship to the role and responsibilities of direct support professionals.