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RCPA Member

RCPA Member KenCrest President and CEO Marian Baldini recently received a Biomedical Sciences Graduate Recognition Award from Drexel’s College of Medicine’s Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences and Professional Studies. She is first non-PhD graduate they have honored with this award. Congratulations Marian!

Message from RCPA Member Pennsylvania Assistive Technology Foundation (PATF):

We are so excited to announce that Pennsylvania Assistive Technology Foundation (PATF) has helped a record number of people with our low- and no-interest loan programs, our information and assistance services, and our financial education resources.

Of note, after we increased the lending cap on our Mini-Loan program from $2,000 to $7,000, this program grew by 151%! (see below: 2021 by the Numbers

And it doesn’t stop there! We published Smart Homes Made Simple: Your Guide to Smart Home Technology and launched SmartHomesMadeSimple to help the disability community learn about mainstream smart home devices and how they can be financed.

In March of this year, PATF hosted a smart home webinar with more than 500 attendees from around the world!

We are proud to share our organization’s growth over the last year, in which assistive technology (AT) was critical, to support people with disabilities and older adults stay safe, healthy, and connected to our community.

Read PATF’s Impact Report.

With your unwavering support – our donors, borrowers, partners, families and friends – we were able to expand and create new programs to help people with disabilities and older Pennsylvanians live more independently. Thank you!