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Regulatory Compliance

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has shared ODPANN 24-061. The purpose of this communication is to inform providers of:

  • Federal requirements for individuals to be involved in decision-making about desired community activities;
  • How these requirements relate to regulatory requirements in Chapters 2380, 2390, and 6100; and,
  • What must be done to comply with the requirements.

Please view the announcement for information and details.

ODP Announcement 20-016 provides guidance to licensed community participation support (CPS) facilities about maintaining compliance with 55 Pa. Code Chapters 2380 and 2390 during the COVID-19 pandemic.

With the Governor’s authorization as conferred in the Proclamation of Disaster Emergency issued on March 6, 2020 and renewed on June 3, 2020; August 31, 2020; and November 24, 2020, specified provisions in 55 Pa. Code Chapters 2380 and 2390 are suspended until June 30, 2021 or such other time as the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) directs. A list of suspended regulations and ODP’s guidance for regulatory compliance with Chapters 2380 and 2390 is attached as Appendix A.

In most cases, the suspension is such that full compliance with each regulation is required on or before June 30, 2021 as most CPS facilities are expected to fully reopen prior to that date. However, ODP continues to monitor the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on service delivery and may extend suspension of the regulatory requirements beyond June 30, 2021 based on changing conditions.

ODP strongly recommends that CPS facilities complete the required activities for individuals at different times between the release of this announcement and the coming months in order to effectively balance their operational workloads. ODP continues to encourage all CPS facilities to use audiovisual technology for required trainings and evaluations whenever possible.

CPS facilities will be notified of any extensions so that they are offered sufficient notice to adjust operations accordingly.