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regulatory compliance guide

The Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (OMHSAS) has released the Intensive Behavioral Health Services (IBHS) Regulatory Compliance Guide (RCG). This guide has been developed to provide clear explanations of the regulatory requirements of Title 55 Pa. Code, Chapter 5240, “Intensive Behavioral Health Services” regulations. It is meant to help agencies providing IBHS services, with the goal of ensuring safe and effective services to children, youth, and young adults through regulatory compliance as well as to help OMHSAS Licensing Representatives protect those served by these programs by conducting consistent and comprehensive inspections.

This guide is a companion piece to Title 55 Pa. Code Chapter 5240 regulations. It is intended to be a helpful reference for these regulations. The explanatory material contained in this guide in no way supplants the plain meaning and intent of the regulations set forth in 55 Pa. Code Chapter 5240.

The RCPA IBHS Steering Committee will be reviewing UBHS RCG and will provide further clarification to members in the near future.

Feedback or questions on the RCG can be sent to OMHSAS electronically.

If you have any questions or are interested in joining the RCPA IBHS Committee, please contact RCPA COO & Mental Health Policy Director Jim Sharp or RCPA Policy Associate Emma Sharp.

The Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (OMHSAS) is pleased to release the Partial Hospitalization Regulatory Compliance Guide (RCG). This guide has been developed to provide clear explanations of the regulatory requirements of Title 55 Pa. Code Chapter 5210 “Partial Hospitalization” regulations. It is meant to help agencies providing partial hospitalization services with the goal of ensuring safe environments and effective services to individuals through regulatory compliance, and to help OMHSAS Licensing Representatives protect individuals served by these programs by conducting consistent and comprehensive inspections.

This guide is a companion piece to Title 55 Pa. Code Chapter 5210 regulations. It is intended to be a helpful reference for these regulations. The explanatory material contained in this guide in no way supplants the plain meaning and intent of the regulations set forth in 55 Pa. Code Chapter 5210.

The guide can be accessed here.

Feedback or questions on the RCG can be sent electronically. If you have additional questions, please contact RCPA COO and Mental Health Policy Director Jim Sharp.

The Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (OMHSAS) is working on developing Regulatory Compliance Guides (RCG) for each licensed level of care to support their commitment to quality in licensing. The RCG is a tool for providers, OMHSAS staff, and the public to better understand the regulations.

This Regulatory Compliance Guide is a companion piece to 55 Pa. Code Chapter 5200. It is intended to be a helpful reference for these regulations. The explanatory material contained in this guide in no way supplants the plain meaning and intent of the regulations set forth in Chapter 5200.

OMHSAS issued the first version of the Psychiatric Outpatient Clinic RCG in November 2021. Today, they are reissuing an updated Psychiatric Outpatient Clinic RCG. The changes made were primarily to language and updates based on comments received on the original document.

Feedback or questions on the RCG can be sent electronically.

If you have any questions, please contact RCPA COO Jim Sharp.

ODP Bulletin 00-20-01 announces the release of the Chapter 6400 Regulatory Compliance Guide (RCG) (6400) for implementation starting February 3, 2020. This bulletin obsoletes and replaces the LII in its entirety with the 6400 RCG as the official Chapter 6400 interpretive guide.

The minimum requirements to operate a community home for individuals with intellectual disabilities or autism in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania are established in 55 Pa.Code Ch. 6400 (relating to community homes for individuals with intellectual disabilities or autism).

The 6400 RCG is a companion piece to the Chapter 6400 regulations; it should be used along with the regulations, not instead of them. The explanatory information in 6400 RCG are not “new regulations” and do not create compliance requirements beyond the regulations as promulgated.

The 6400 RCG has been developed to provide clear explanations of the regulatory requirements of Chapter 6400 to assist providers ensure safe environments and effective services to individuals through regulatory compliance, and to help regulators protect individuals by conducting consistent and comprehensive inspections. It provides a detailed explanation of each regulatory requirement, including expectations for compliance, guidelines for measuring compliance, and the primary purpose for the requirement.

The practice of licensing and regulatory administration regularly results in the identification of previously unknown circumstances and situations that require clarification. Beginning with the release of this bulletin, the Department will collect, and review questions and comments received from providers, licensing staff, and other stakeholders about regulatory compliance that may require revisions to the 6400 RCG. The Department will use this information to modify the RCG and release an updated version of it on a biannual basis. Updated versions of the 6400 RCG will include a crosswalk document to highlight sections that have been modified since the last version.

Providers, stakeholders, and all other interested parties may send questions, comments, and recommendations relating to the 6400 RCG to the Department’s Regulatory Administration Unit at RA-PW6100REGADMIN@pa.gov.

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The Department of Human Services Bureau of Human Services Licensing (BHSL) has released a draft Regulatory Compliance Guide (RCG) for Chapter 3800, relating to child residential and day treatment facilities. The RCG provides guidance about how the Department of Human Services will interpret and apply the chapter’s regulatory requirements during licensing inspections and investigations.

BHSL is inviting the Rehabilitation and Community Providers Association to work with members to review and comment on this draft guide. Please review the draft document and send your comments, suggestion and recommendations to Connell O’Brien. RCPA will collect provider input and share that information with the leadership of BHSL. Comments are due to RCPA by July 10 for submission to BHSL by July 17. The leadership of BHSL has communicated their clear interest in provider input and plans to take all comments into consideration prior to issuing a final RCG later this summer.