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The Office of Children, Youth, & Families (OCYF) has released the 2021 Pennsylvania Annual Child Abuse report. The report may be accessed here as well as through the Child Abuse Reports Page.

While the report continues to provide detailed data for statewide and individual county responses to reports, for the first time, race and ethnicity data was added for substantiated victims and perpetrators. OCYF in its reporting process will continue to refine this information for future reports and have only presented statewide data and not county by county statistics to avoid providing individually identifiable information.

If you have any questions, please contact RCPA Children’s Policy Director Jim Sharp.

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The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) identified an error in the patient counts for each inpatient rehabilitation facility patient assessment instrument (IRF-PAI) measure in the March 2022 provider preview reports (which were originally issued on April 13, 2022) related to the June 2022 refresh of IRF quality data on CMS Care Compare. CMS has updated the report to apply the COVID-19 reporting exceptions to only exclude stays that occurred in Quarter 1 (Q1) and Quarter 2 (Q2) of 2020. The March 2022 provider preview reports are currently available for review until May 27, 2022. Questions about the reports should be sent by email.

The National Council for Mental Wellbeing, with support from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, conducted an environmental scan to determine how overdose prevention and response efforts are currently implemented in community corrections. This effort included a literature review, 19 key informant interviews, and a roundtable discussion with a diverse group of individuals with experience in community corrections, overdose prevention, or harm reduction.

Key findings, along with the full report, are available on the National Council’s website.

The Office of Long-Term Living (OLTL) has issued additional guidance on the Enterprise Incident Management (EIM) Enhancements.

As stated in the communication sent on December 10, 2021, Critical Incident Report Extensions changes were implemented in the EIM system on December 11, 2021. With these changes, once the maximum number of allowed extensions is reached, providers and service coordinators (SC) will need to contact OLTL if additional extensions are needed.

The December 10, 2021, communication indicated that OLTL had drafted a form to use in the near future, and once approved, you would be notified. The OLTL EIM Critical Incident Report Extension Request form has been approved and is here for your use.

When requesting incident report extensions, please follow these instructions:

  • Request forms must be submitted to OLTL at least 5 business days prior to incident report due date, via email.
  • Reasons for prior extensions must be clearly documented in the incident report.
  • The reason for an extension request must be detailed, valid, and clearly documented in the incident report as well as in the Home and Community Services Information System (HCSIS) notes.
  • Incident report extensions will be approved for 30 days from previous report due date.

OLTL staff will respond to extension requests within 3 business days by replying to the requestor to let them know if the request was approved or rejected. If rejected, the reason for the rejection will be included in the response. If approved, OLTL staff will enter the extension in EIM.

Any questions regarding the information in this email should be directed here.