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Residential Provider

Deadline, as Letters on a Clock

The Agreement for Provision of Residential Services requires all residential providers to provide information for tier assignment in order to be assigned to a tier on an annual basis. The Performance-Based Contracting (PBC) Data Submission Tool for the current contract year became available on February 15, 2025. All Residential Providers must submit data and documentation related to their organization’s performance no later than 11:59 pm Saturday, March 15, 2025. Providers intending to be in the Primary Tier must complete a PBC submission.

Providers that fail to submit data and documentation for tier determination by March 15, 2025:

  1. Will be in violation of their Agreement for Provision of Residential Services and will be required to take immediate corrective action. Without correction, they may be subject to sanctions up to and including termination of the Agreement for Provision of Residential Services.
  2. Will not be eligible for Pay-for Performance (P4P).

Please see ODPANN 25-020: Performance-Based Contracting Residential Provider Data Submission Tool Availability for submission instructions and details. Comprehensive information is available at the Performance-Based Contracting Resource Page on MyODP.

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) reminds providers that submissions for Performance-Based Contracting (PBC) Data and Pay for Performance (P4P) are due on March 15, 2025. Both Data Submission Tools became available on February 15, 2025. It is recommended that Providers complete the required PBC Data Submission tool prior to submitting for P4P, as providers will be given the option in the P4P tool to use the same documents submitted for Credentialing (Primary) and Employment from the PBC tool.

Please view ODPANN 25-019 and ODPANN 25-020 for additional information and details.

This is a reminder that the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) will be hosting Virtual Office Hour Sessions for Residential Providers on the submission process for Performance-Based Contracting (PBC). There will be no presentation from ODP — please come prepared with your PBC data submission questions.

Sessions will not be recorded, but new and/or common questions and answers will be added to the Frequently Asked Questions.

Audience: One person per Residential Provider. ODP recommends sending the person who is most closely working with the PBC data submission process.

Please register for 1 session only:

Note: If you are experiencing issues accessing the link, try right-clicking the link, selecting “Copy Link,” and pasting the link into your browser. If the problem persists, try a different browser.

ODP staff provided updates today on the implementation of Performance-Based Contracting (PBC) in Residential programs. ODP is currently making adjustment to the scoring tool for use in February/March for submitting data for tier determinations. All Residential providers who did not previously submit their data must complete the scoring tool using their calendar year 2024 data in February/March of 2025.

ODP will rerun the data for those providers who previously submitted data since some of the measures have been adapted. Those providers will not need to resubmit their information but will be automatically be re-evaluated in case these changes may impact their tier assignment.

In coordination with the rebalancing of Incident Management policies, some changes will be made to the IM measures. ODP is offering helpful resources to assist providers. Please see the PowerPoint from the forum for links to these resources. Also, up-to-date information can be found at MyODP’s website.

ODP intends to publish the updated scoring tool mid-January 2025 as a PDF for providers to review and begin preparing their data. RCPA will share that tool as soon as it is available.

The Office of Development Programs (ODP) will be hosting the second quarterly residential provider forum to provide support provider Performance-Based Contracting (PBC) preparedness. During this session, ODP will provide a status update on PBC applications, review the PBC presented to the Information Sharing and Advisory Committee (ISAC) Provider Performance Review Subcommittee, review the emerging themes or trends with the application submissions, and offer the opportunity for providers to ask questions.

Audience: Residential Providers
Date: Monday, December 16, 2024
Time: 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm
Register Here

Please provide us with your input regarding PBC in a very brief survey (only 5 questions). We are asking:

  • How confident are you that you will be ready to submit all data to ODP by the deadline (February/March 2025)?
  • How many staff do you have working on the PBC standards?
  • What are the top 3 challenges you are experiencing in preparing for PBC?
  • What specifically can RCPA do to support your organization to prepare for PBC?
  • What unanswered questions do you have regarding PBC?

Please complete the survey by December 4, 2025. For any questions, contact Carol Ferenz.

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) reminds Residential Providers and Supports Coordination Organizations (SCOs)* of the new requirement to submit year-end financial statements no later than 9 months after their fiscal year end. For many providers this will be March 31, 2024. Details of this requirement are available in ODPANN 23-76.

If your MPI is included on the available spreadsheet, your financials have not been received as of March 25, 2024, and will need to be submitted.

NOTE TO INSPECTOR: The word "iridium" on the pen's nib is not a brand: it's the name of the metal of which the nib is made. Thanks. Inky old fountain pen on a $100 bill.

This is a reminder that ODP is requiring Residential Providers and Support Coordination Organizations (SCO) to provide a PDF of their fiscal year-end financial statements. Providers and SCOs will be given nine months after the end of their fiscal year to make the initial submission. For example, if the provider’s fiscal year ended on 6/30/2023, their financial statements must be submitted by 03/31/2024. The link for the statement form is here. You can view the ODP announcement with further details and information here.

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has released ODPANN 24-013. This announcement shares details regarding the registration for six half-day virtual training sessions focused on ODP’s expectations of Residential Provider Program Specialists in the implementation of the Residential ISP Staffing approach. Please view the announcement for information and details.

Deadline, as Letters on a Clock

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has issued a notice to all residential providers that have yet to complete the required survey:

Providers rendering residential services (residential habilitation, lifesharing, and/or supported living) funded through ODP are required to complete this survey by the extension date of November 17, 2023.

Additional information can be found in the communication, ODPANN 23-080: Office of Developmental Programs’ Residential Provider Survey for Selective Contracting. Questions may be directed via email to ODP.